How to Maintain a Gorgeous Smile

One of your most valuable assets is your beautiful smile. You feel better about yourself and display an air of self-assurance when your smile looks sensational. To keep your pearly whites in top condition, follow these helpful hints.

Schedule routine dental visits

During these appointments, your dentist will perform a thorough exam to assess your current status and look for any potential problems. Addressing small issues, like cavities, before they escalate can save you time and money.

Brush and floss frequently

Good home care goes a long way towards protecting your teeth and gums. Make sure to brush at least twice a day and floss daily to prevent problems like cavities and gum disease.

Consider orthodontic therapy

With a straighter smile, you will feel more confident and improve your dental health. Routine tasks, like brushing and flossing, are easier to perform on straight teeth.

Eat well

Choose a balance diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy options, and lean proteins. Limiting your intake of sugary beverages and sweet treats will also help preserve your smile.

Curb bad habits

Nail biting, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption can cause damage to teeth and gums. Talk with your dentist if you need suggestions to help you break the habits.

Talk with your dentist about cosmetic dentistry

Simple procedures like teeth whitening or cosmetic bonding can dramatically impact your smile. During a consultation, your dentist can review the options and help you determine the best choice for enhancing your appearance.

Our dental office is located in Burbank

Tips for a Successful Braces Journey

Wearing braces on your teeth is a step toward improving your appearance and self-esteem for the rest of your life. A straight, appealing smile is the goal, but you must care for your braces and follow your orthodontist’s instructions during treatment to achieve that goal. Follow these tips for a successful braces journey.

Not surprisingly, you must properly and consistently perform oral hygiene tasks. Your teeth are even more susceptible to plaque buildup and bacteria attacks when you’re wearing braces. Food can easily become trapped in the wires and brackets, and it can be difficult to remove debris. Try to carry a soft-bristled toothbrush with you so that you can stop by the bathroom after eating to clean your braces and teeth. Always rinse thoroughly with water to dislodge food, and brush gently from various angles.

Even though it can be tricky, don’t neglect flossing. Thread the floss between your teeth and wires, and gently work the floss between the braces and teeth. Try using a threader available at drugstores to insert the floss more easily. Your orthodontist may also recommend rinsing with mouthwash daily to fight bacteria.

Always stick to the diet that your orthodontist provides. Do not eat the foods that are known to damage braces, such as popcorn or hard candies or sticky caramel. Items on the list are common culprits for breaking your brackets or wires. It’s best to consider every food before you eat it so that you avoid items that may damage your braces. In some cases, you can simply cut the food into smaller pieces and still be able to eat it.

You may also be warned against consuming too many starchy or sugary foods and drinks, which promote decay and gum disease. Also, break potentially harmful habits like chewing ice or knawing on pencils. Another way to protect your braces is to wear a mouth guard when engaging in sports or other physical activities. A customized mouth guard is the best option for protecting your smile.

Following these guidelines will help your teeth remain clean and healthy while undergoing treatment, so that your smile is in tip-top shape when the braces are removed.

Schedule your appointment at our Sherman Oaks dental office

Selecting a Good Orthodontist

Whether your child needs an evaluation for potential treatment or you have decided to consider adult orthodontics to straighten your teeth, finding the right orthodontist will help ensure a good experience. Ask friends, coworkers, and your general dentist for names to begin the process. When you start looking for potential candidates, you may want to consider the following points as you make your decision.

• Convenience
As with many things, location matters. You may want to find an orthodontist close to your child’s school or near your office to minimize drive time and disruption to your daily routine.

• Availability
In this day and age, people have a myriad of commitments, so they need medical providers with flexible hours. Make sure the orthodontist you are considering has appointment times that work with your schedule.

• Experience
Find out how long the orthodontist has been in practice and what technologies the practice utilizes for treatment. For instance, make sure the orthodontist is up-to-date on the latest options for adult therapy.

• Recommendations
As you narrow down your choices, talk with people you know or ask for referrals from current patients so that you can gather specific feedback about the candidates you are considering.

• Personality
Before making your final selection, schedule consultation appointments with the top candidates. When you arrive, talk with the office team to get a feel for the practice environment. These meetings will also give you a chance to meet with each orthodontist one-on-one to determine who you would feel comfortable with as a provider.

Give us a call at our Sherman Oaks California orthodontic office – Dr. Fotovat – Burbank Orthodontist –

Invisalign Clear Braces will Make You Smile

At one time, the only option for orthodontic treatment was bulky, metal braces. Many adults shied away from straightening their teeth because they didn’t want the hassle or discomfort of traditional orthodontics. With Invisalign clear aligners, adult and older teen patients can transform their smiles but keep their dignity intact.

Before starting treatment, your orthodontist will take x-rays and perform an exam to see if Invisalign is a good option. Invisalign can correct many common orthodontic problems. Using a series of clear, custom aligners, Invisalign will gently move teeth into the proper position.

At the first visit, your orthodontist will take 3-D images and impressions of your teeth, which an Invisalign lab will utilize to produce your entire set of aligners. Wear each aligner for about two weeks and move on to the next one. Ideally, you should keep the aligners in for about 22 hours a day. In 12 to 18 months, patients can achieve perfect smiles.

To monitor your progress, the orthodontist will schedule appointments every four to six weeks. Because the aligners are removable, you can take them out to eat, brush, or attend a special event. Even when you are wearing the aligners, the clear plastic material makes them virtually invisible to the people you see.

Invisalign aligners offer several advantages to traditional orthodontics including:

• No adjustments or pain
• Reduced treatment time
• Removable aligners
• Imperceptible to others

Schedule a visit to our Sherman Oaks orthodontic practice and see how we can enhance your smile. Mehdi Fotovat

Eating with Braces: Surviving the Challenge

Having braces isn’t always fun, especially when it comes to food intake. Most orthodontists tell their patients to avoid sticky snacks or hard candy because these food items can damage brackets and wires. Although there are some limitations on your diet, you still have lots of choices for healthy eating during orthodontic treatment.

Fruits and vegetables are alright. An important part of eating right, most people several servings of both categories each day. Hard fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots, and broccoli, can be tough to bite into, so cutting these foods into bite-size pieces so that back teeth can chew them will prevent any issues. Choosing soft options, like bananas or cooked squash, is another good option.

Go with whole grains. Since most grain products are soft, having braces shouldn’t impact your ability to eat regular breads or cereals. You may want to avoid unground whole grains because the seeds can get stuck in between your brackets.

Get your dairy on. Calcium helps keep your teeth strong, and dairy products are a great source of this mineral. Low fat milk, yogurt, and cheese are soft on your braces too.

Eat more chicken (or beef too). Certain cuts of meat can be tough and difficult to chew when you wear braces. Don’t eat meat straight off the bone, and select lean cuts of fish, beef, and chicken for easier chewing.

Sweet treats you can still enjoy. Although taffy, lifesavers, and gummy bears are temporarily off the menu, feel free to indulge in chocolate or a bowl of ice cream every once in a while.

It’s time to schedule a visit to our Sherman Oaks, CA orthodontic office – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS.