The Benefits of Straight Teeth

Most people desire a perfect smile because it makes them look and feel better about themselves. Certainly, boosting your confidence and outward appearance are perks of having straight teeth, but there are other reasons to consider orthodontic treatment. Properly aligned teeth can positively impact your oral health as well as create whole-mouth harmony.

Although straight teeth do look fantastic, they also promote optimal oral health. Crooked teeth are actually harder to keep clean, which can lead to problems such as gum disease or tooth decay. Less plaque and tartar build up when you have straight teeth, so patients can actually get between the teeth to take care of them. Correcting issues of crowding makes brushing and flossing easier, so you can enjoy a truly healthy smile.

Other side effects of untreated orthodontic issues can include abnormal wear of teeth surfaces, inefficient chewing, and excessive strain on supporting tissues. Misalignment of the jaw joints can also occur, which can result in headaches, neck pain, and other symptoms of TMJ disorder. Treating the orthodontic problem can cost less money, time, and discomfort than having to repair long-term damage to your mouth.

If you think you or a loved one might need orthodontic treatment, contact your orthodontist for a consultation appointment. At this time, the doctor can take X-rays, examine your whole mouth, and review the treatment options. Because of advances in orthodontics, patient have a variety of choices to straighten their teeth, including clear brackets, self-ligating brackets, and Invisalign clear aligners for adults or older teen patients.

We love creating beautiful, healthy smiles at our Sherman Oaks, CA orthodontic practice – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS.

Braces and Caring for Your Teeth

Brushing and flossing are important components of protecting your dental health. When you have braces, however, good oral hygiene becomes even more critical. If you don’t take good care of your teeth while wearing braces, you can develop issues like plaque, gum disease, and bad breath.

Because braces cover your teeth and remain in your mouth, food can get trapped in between teeth. This situation creates an optimal environment for plaque, the sticky film that coats your mouth and teeth. If patients don’t remove plaque from around braces, this substance can harden in to tartar, which leads to oral health problems.

Consider the following suggestions to help protect your teeth or your child’s teeth during orthodontic treatment:


Select a soft-bristle toothbrush. If you like, look for toothbrushes specially designed for people with braces; these products have longer bristles on the outside and shorter ones in the center. Plan to brush three times a day, especially after meals, which will prevent food from staying trapped between brackets. Time yourself so that you brush for at least two minutes.


Although flossing can be more difficult with braces, patients need to make the extra effort. Your orthodontist can recommend special products that will help you thread the floss under the wires. Ask your orthodontist if you aren’t sure about the right technique.

General Dental Care

For patients with braces, many orthodontists and dentists recommend more frequent visits to the family dentist. An extra cleaning can help remove any build up and allow your regular dentist to monitor your oral health. Your doctor may recommend a fluoride rinse for added protection.

Schedule an orthodontic consultation at Sherman Oaks, CA orthodontic practice – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS

Common Reasons that Orthodontics are Needed

There is more to orthodontic treatment than just straightening teeth. There are a number of problems that warrant treatment, and the process depends on what your specific issues are. Each patient is unique, which means treatment is also unique. Here are some of the most common reasons that kids and adults may need to see an orthodontist.

A very common issue is crowding, which means that there isn’t enough room for all of your teeth to erupt into proper position. The result is overlapping teeth. Not only does your smile look crowded, it makes it difficult to clean your teeth well and can lead to cavities or other problems.

The opposite of crowding, spacing is when your teeth are farther apart that you’d like. Small or missing teeth can create spacing problems. Correction may be advised for cosmetic reasons, as well as trouble chewing or biting food.

An overbite occurs when your top teeth cover the bottom teeth too much. In severe cases, the roof of your mouth can even be damaged by your lower teeth.

When your bottom teeth stick out further than your top teeth, it’s called an underbite. This problem is often related to the lower jaw extending further than the upper jaw. Chewing problems and excessive tooth wear are common results of an underbite.

A crossbite exists when your upper molars fit inside your lower molars. This can be caused by an overly wide lower jaw or an overly narrow upper jaw. Several orthodontic treatments may be options for correcting a crossbite.


Orthodontist for teens and adults in the Sherman Oaks, CA area.

Is It Possible to Reduce the Risk of Tooth Decay?

What Causes Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay is very common. Young people are more at risk as their tooth enamel is less resistant to decay, but anyone can develop a cavity in a tooth, at any age. Tooth decay is caused when plaque is allowed to build up on the tooth surfaces. Plaque contains bacteria that feed on the sugars found in foods, and these bacteria produce acids that soften the tooth enamel. These acids continue to attack the teeth for approximately twenty minutes after eating. After this time the mouth gradually becomes less acidic, and the tooth enamel begins to re-harden. This is why it is best to wait for at least twenty minutes after eating before brushing your teeth, as brushing too soon disrupts the hardening process.

Reducing Your Risks
There are various other things you can do to help reduce the risk of developing cavities, and these include:

  • Making sure you have good oral hygiene, as regular removal of plaque will reduce the numbers of bacteria in your mouth, so there are fewer left to produce acids whenever you eat.
  • Reducing the number of snacks in between meals will reduce the number of times your teeth are attacked by acids. If you do want to snack then opt for a hard piece of cheese that is full of tooth-friendly calcium, or very crunchy fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber and which contain a lot of water. Fibrous fruits and vegetables have a slight scrubbing action on the teeth and the high water content helps to wash away excess food particles.
  • Avoid highly acidic beverages and foods, as the acids will directly attack your tooth enamel.
  • If you are unable to produce sufficient saliva (a condition called dry mouth), ask your dentist for advice on how to deal with this problem. Saliva is essential for helping to reduce acidity in the mouth, and for washing away excess food and bacteria.
  • Regular professional dental care helps ensure any early signs of cavities are detected and treated before they can cause any problems.

Orthodontists office in Sherman Oaks, CA

The Types of Braces

Wearing braces is a tried and true way of straightening crooked teeth and correcting misaligned jaws. Braces are a solution for both adolescents and adults, and advancements have been made in the field of orthodontics to accommodate a variety of preferences and goals. The function is practically the same for all types of braces, but their appearances can be very different. Here are some of the main types of braces for you to consider.

The braces that many people are most familiar with are the traditional metal kind. They have metal brackets and wires, and some also employ rubber bands. Metal braces are very visible in your mouth, can be difficult to keep clean, and are accompanied by suggested food limitations so that braces aren’t damaged.

The most popular brand of clear braces is Invisalign, which consists of transparent aligners that are also removable. This type of braces eliminates many of the downfalls of metal braces, because they are hardly visible, easily removed for cleaning, have no food restrictions, and do not irritate the mouth. However, the effectiveness is dependent upon the patient’s commitment to wearing the aligners consistently.

This type of braces is attached behind your teeth, providing their main benefit of not being visible to others. Initial discomfort is to be expected as your tongue gets used to touching the braces. Only specialists trained in lingual braces provide this kind, and they are often more expensive than other types of braces.

Similar to metal braces but made of ceramic, these braces are less visible because the ceramic is closer in color to your teeth. It is a little more costly to get this kind of braces and they usually aren’t as durable as metal, but many patients prefer the look of ceramic.

Dental braces at our Sherman Oaks orthodontists office.