Wearing braces is a tried and true way of straightening crooked teeth and correcting misaligned jaws. Braces are a solution for both adolescents and adults, and advancements have been made in the field of orthodontics to accommodate a variety of preferences and goals. The function is practically the same for all types of braces, but their appearances can be very different. Here are some of the main types of braces for you to consider.

The braces that many people are most familiar with are the traditional metal kind. They have metal brackets and wires, and some also employ rubber bands. Metal braces are very visible in your mouth, can be difficult to keep clean, and are accompanied by suggested food limitations so that braces aren’t damaged.

The most popular brand of clear braces is Invisalign, which consists of transparent aligners that are also removable. This type of braces eliminates many of the downfalls of metal braces, because they are hardly visible, easily removed for cleaning, have no food restrictions, and do not irritate the mouth. However, the effectiveness is dependent upon the patient’s commitment to wearing the aligners consistently.

This type of braces is attached behind your teeth, providing their main benefit of not being visible to others. Initial discomfort is to be expected as your tongue gets used to touching the braces. Only specialists trained in lingual braces provide this kind, and they are often more expensive than other types of braces.

Similar to metal braces but made of ceramic, these braces are less visible because the ceramic is closer in color to your teeth. It is a little more costly to get this kind of braces and they usually aren’t as durable as metal, but many patients prefer the look of ceramic.

Dental braces at our Sherman Oaks orthodontists office.