Enjoy the Benefits of a Healthy Smile

Did you know healthy teeth and gums can help maintain good general health? A healthy smile will mean you look your very best, and your risk of developing certain diseases or health issues may decrease. If you’d like to have great oral health and a gorgeous smile, read the following hints:

Ask about Sedation Dentistry
Many people feel too anxious or nervous to regularly visit a dentist. This could be due to a previous bad experience, a strong gag reflex or a reaction to the sights and smells in a dental office. Sedation dentistry provides numerous options to keep you comfortable during treatment, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation and intravenous sedation.

Don’t put up with Pain
Quite often people will put up with facial pain caused by TMD. This is a disorder affecting the jaw joints, and can occur if the jaw is misaligned. Your dentist in Reno can examine your teeth and jaws, and if necessary will provide treatment to resolve this issue.

Invest in a Mouthguard
If you like to play sports, invest in a custom made mouth guard. Popular activities such as soccer, football and baseball can all cause facial injuries. Even non-contact spots such as horse riding and gymnastics can result in damage to the teeth, jaws and face. If you clench and grind at night, ask your dentist about a night guard to protect your teeth from cracking and breaking.

Look After Your Teeth at Home
Twice daily brushing and once-a-day flossing are essential to maintain oral health. These habits help remove plaque before it can harden into tarter.

Book Regular Appointments
Schedule regular appointments with your dentist in Reno, and book a professional cleaning at the same time. This is essential, even if your teeth and gums appear healthy. Regular checkups help pick up any problems before they cause unpleasant symptoms such as toothache, and when they are much cheaper and easier to treat.


If you need an orthodontist and you live in the Sherman Oaks California area, contact our dental office.

Orthodontics Means More Than Straight Teeth

Sure, you get braces because you want a pretty smile full of straight teeth. There’s more to orthodontic treatment than merely your appearance though. Successful treatment can improve the health of your mouth, making it more likely that your teeth and gums will reap the benefits of braces for many years to come. What are some of the main reasons to seek orthodontic treatment besides just straight teeth?

Improper alignment
When teeth don’t line up with one another properly, it’s called malocclusion. Uncorrected malocclusion can cause your teeth to wear inappropriately with time. It can also damage the muscles that support your jaw, causing pain and stress. Misaligned teeth may cause bone loss, and eventually tooth loss as well.

An overbite occurs when your upper teeth overlap your lower teeth, sometimes even causing you to bite into your palate. This causes excessive wear on your bottom teeth, which can even chip and require dental repair.

Teeth spacing
It is difficult to properly clean crooked or overlapping teeth, which often leads to tooth decay and cavities. It also promotes gum disease when you can’t thoroughly clean between your teeth and gums. Gum disease is linked to receding gums and bone loss, plus the loss of teeth in advanced stages.

Tooth function
Orthodontic treatment can correct the way your teeth function. The wear patterns of your teeth can be improved, and jaw pain may be relieved when your teeth work together appropriately. Corrected tooth function can aid the long-term health of your teeth and gums.

Sherman Oak Orthodontics

Celebrity Braces

If you’re hesitant to get braces because of how they affect your appearance, you might want to consider that even celebrities wear braces to perfect their smiles! There’s nothing wrong with getting orthodontic treatment in an effort to align your teeth, straighten your smile, and dazzle those around you with the beautiful results.

Who are some of the rich and famous who have worn braces to improve the appearance and function of their teeth? Some celebrities who have worn braces over the years include Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cage, Gwen Stefani, Danny Glover, and Dakota Fanning. Note that a number of celebrities opted for adult braces, such as Tom Cruise at age 39, Eva Longoria at age 36, and Katherine Heigl at age 28. Emma Watson, Dakota Fanning, and Drew Barrymore are all examples of celebrities who wore braces during their teen years.

It may surprise you that celebrities are willing to be seen with a mouthful of braces. It stands to reason that they must believe it’s worse to smile with crooked teeth. The good news is that, whether you’re a celebrity or not, you have several less noticeable options for braces today. Lingual braces fastened to the backs of teeth, clear brackets, and Invisalign clear removable trays are all practical solutions to conceal braces while undergoing treatment.

So if you’re longing for a Hollywood smile, take a cue from celebrities and consider orthodontics to enhance your smile and improve your self esteem. If they can do it, so can you!

Bad Breath Impacts Your Job

If you have a job that entails interacting with other people, you know that the kind of impression you have on others makes a difference. That’s why you’ve probably learned to wear appropriate, attractive clothes and come prepared to perform your job. But have you thought about what kind of impression you might be making with your breath? No one wants to do business with someone who has stinky breath. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your breath doesn’t negatively impact your job.

Find the cause
If you often have problems with a stinky smell coming from your mouth, look for what might be causing it. There are a variety of things that commonly cause bad breath. It may be the food you eat, throat problems, or medical issues. Most often, however, it’s due to poor oral hygiene.

Clean your mouth
The most obvious remedy to try first is cleaning your teeth and mouth. Brush your teeth carefully, and use a tongue cleaner to thoroughly cleanse your tongue. Do not neglect flossing your teeth, because food stuck between your teeth can really cause unpleasant breath. Gargling with mouthwash may also help, or even gargling with hydrogen peroxide because it can attack bacteria in your mouth.

Watch what you eat
Some foods are known to trigger bad breath. Stay away from onions, garlic, and fish if you want to avoid stinky breath. Drinking alcohol dries your mouth, which can also contribute to mouth odor.

See your dentist
If you still battle stinky breath after trying these techniques, see your dentist for a checkup. A professional can treat cavities or gum disease which might be causing your mouth odor, as well as look for more serious medical problems like diabetes or liver disease that can be related to bad breath.

Making the Most of Your Orthodontic Treatment

Just look around and you’ll notice that braces are very common, for both the young and not-so-young. Whether you’re 12 or 40, many of us find ourselves taking the plunge into orthodontic treatment. You might as well make the most of it, and these tips may help.

Accept it
You may not have a choice if your parents are making you get braces, or maybe it’s your own choice to get rid of jaw pain or headaches. Either way, focus on the fact that your teeth are going to look great in the end.

Shop around for the right orthodontist
It is likely that you have a number of orthodontist offices to choose from in your area, so find the one that meets your needs. Referrals from friends and family may be helpful. Many dentists have websites that highlight features of their practice or even a Facebook page where you can read real patient testimonials.

Ask questions
Educate yourself by researching on the internet and asking questions at the office. Get explanations of the work being done on you and why.

No need to panic when it’s time to get your braces. It’s not a painful process, it’s just somewhat uncomfortable. Understanding what the doctor is doing at all times may give you a feeling of control, so don’t hesitate to inquire about each step of the process.

Have fun with colors
If you get elastics on your braces, pick your favorite colors! You’ll enjoy wearing them more if you’re having fun with the colors on your teeth.

Follow your orthodontist’s instructions
You can minimize your treatment time by following doctor’s orders about wearing elastics, headgear, or other appliances. Also make sure you clean your braces as suggested, so that you’ll avoid tooth stains or gum problems.