Sure, you get braces because you want a pretty smile full of straight teeth. There’s more to orthodontic treatment than merely your appearance though. Successful treatment can improve the health of your mouth, making it more likely that your teeth and gums will reap the benefits of braces for many years to come. What are some of the main reasons to seek orthodontic treatment besides just straight teeth?

Improper alignment
When teeth don’t line up with one another properly, it’s called malocclusion. Uncorrected malocclusion can cause your teeth to wear inappropriately with time. It can also damage the muscles that support your jaw, causing pain and stress. Misaligned teeth may cause bone loss, and eventually tooth loss as well.

An overbite occurs when your upper teeth overlap your lower teeth, sometimes even causing you to bite into your palate. This causes excessive wear on your bottom teeth, which can even chip and require dental repair.

Teeth spacing
It is difficult to properly clean crooked or overlapping teeth, which often leads to tooth decay and cavities. It also promotes gum disease when you can’t thoroughly clean between your teeth and gums. Gum disease is linked to receding gums and bone loss, plus the loss of teeth in advanced stages.

Tooth function
Orthodontic treatment can correct the way your teeth function. The wear patterns of your teeth can be improved, and jaw pain may be relieved when your teeth work together appropriately. Corrected tooth function can aid the long-term health of your teeth and gums.

Sherman Oak Orthodontics