Itero Digital Scanning… Impressions Made Easy!

Itero Digital Scanning… Impressions Made Easy!

At Fotovat, DDS providing our patients with a unique and positive experience that they can’t find elsewhere is one of our main goals. We strive to provide treatment that’s effective yet also comfortable by incorporating the latest state-of-the-art technology into the practice of orthodontics. That’s why we’re proud to talk about our iTero® ™Digital Impressions Scanner by Align Technology. The Itero Digital Scanner is used to take 3-D digital images (impressions) on each Invisalign patient, allowing us to permanently retire that uncomfortable, gooey, putty material that is typically used. At the same time, it provides more precise information for better fitting appliances and enables shorter appointment times.

Here’s how it works: With a scanning wand, we’re able to take hundreds of photos of a patient’s teeth. These photos are then displayed on our computer within minutes, providing 3D imaging of the mouth from any angle. The use of the scanner helps provide a clear image that results in appliances that are fitted with precision accuracy.

Another positive aspect of using the scanner is that it’s directly linked with the Invisalign® system, which allows Dr. Fotovat to use aligners to create a perfect smile. Once the patient is scanned, their images are sent directly to Invisalign. You can even see the outcome of your treatment (before and after images) at your consultation,

And the final result? Faster turnaround time, comfortability, accuracy, and perfectly fitted aligners.

Digital impressions are less time consuming, safe, and comfortable. So the next time you hear the word “impressions,”– don’t worry!

Scheduling a complimentary consultation with Fotovat DDS is the first step towards a beautiful, healthy, attractive smile. Call us at: 818-980-5300 or request an appointment here.


Choices in Adult Braces

It’s never too late to correct bothersome or unappealing problems with your smile. Adult braces are becoming more and more popular, especially as options are available that are not as noticeable as traditional braces. Two choices that many adults select between are clear braces and Invisalign. Here is a comparison of these two options that adults tend to choose when taking the plunge into orthodontic work.

Clear braces
This type of braces is practically invisible in your mouth. Comprised of clear materials and modern wires, they are not noticeable when you smile. They also move teeth quickly and effectively. Clear braces provide a faster treatment than the option of invisible aligning trays. There are no speech impediments and some say they are easier to maintain than metal braces, since you can see where food particles are hiding and clean them away. You do need to steer clear of things known to stain teeth, such as coffee and smoking, while wearing clear braces because they can become discolored.

Clear aligning trays make up the other option called Invisalign. The trays are custom-made for your mouth, which makes them comfortable. They are also more comfortable than traditional braces because there aren’t any metal wires or brackets that tend to irritate your gums and mouth tissues. The clear trays are nearly invisible, and others may not even notice you’re wearing Invisalign. One of the biggest benefits of this orthodontic choice is that the trays are removable for eating, drinking, brushing, flossing, and even special occasions. They are easy to clean and you are able to maintain your regular dental hygiene routine.

Whichever choice you make for adult braces, the good news is that both of these options successfully straighten your teeth and improve your smile. Consult an orthodontist to see which of these choices might work best for you.

If you live in the Sherman Oaks area, visit our office to learn more about Invisalign.

Preventing Damage to Your Braces

During orthodontic treatment, you need to take special care of teeth and gums. Extra brushing and additional flossing tools may become part of your routine. At the same time, you need to ensure that nothing happens to your braces. The following tips will help you protect your investment:

Eat right
While you have braces, you should avoid certain foods. Hard candy and sticky substances can crack brackets or break off wires. When you have apples or carrots, cut them in bite size pieces just to be safe.

Wear a mouth guard
For sports activities, you need to protect your face and mouth by having a mouth guard. Normally, dentists and orthodontists recommend custom mouth guards, but during orthodontic treatment you need the store-bought appliances so that your mouth guard won’t damage your braces.

Report problems immediately
Even when you do everything right, you may still have a broken bracket or loose wire. Apply dental wax if you experience discomfort and contact your orthodontist for the next step.

Curtail bad habits
Chewing on ice or biting your nails can harm your teeth and cause problems with your orthodontia.

Don’t make adjustments yourself
If your wires or brackets don’t seem right to you, call the orthodontist. Attempting to correct the issue can create bigger problems.

Visit the dentist for checkups
At these appointments, your dentist can make sure teeth and gums are holding up well during your time in braces. If enamel weakens or you develop gum disease, you could have trouble with your brackets and wires.

Burbank Orthodontist

Treatment for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Do you wake up feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep? If so, you are not alone. Approximately 12 to 20 million Americans suffer from some degree of sleep apnea, a serious health condition that impacts your overall well being. Snoring is often a symptom of this problem, but many people don’t take that sign seriously enough.

What is sleep apnea?
Characterized by frequent lapses in breathing throughout the night that last for 10-20 seconds each time, sleep apnea occurs in two forms, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused by airway blockage. With OSA, the soft tissues in your throat relax too much and collapse, which cuts off your air supply. Central sleep apnea happens when the brain forgets to send the right signals to the muscles that control breathing.

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?
Signs of OSA may include loud snoring, headaches, confusion, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and decreased energy.
Can sleep apnea impact my daily life?
Not only will you feel exhausted, but sleep apnea can affect your ability to function. Often, people with sleep apnea experience daytime grogginess, irritability, and memory issues. As well, sleep apnea can increase your risk for certain medical conditions such as weight gain, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and heart-related problems like hypertension.
What treatment is available?
After you undergo a thorough evaluation to confirm sleep apnea, your doctor can recommend therapy to address the problem. The most common treatment is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, which regulates breathing while you sleep. Many individuals don’t respond well to CPAP machines, finding them bulky or uncomfortable. As an alternative, your orthodontist can fit you for a night guard, an oral appliance that keeps your airways open during sleep.

An Overview of Orthodontics

In most cases, you have probably either had braces, need braces, or know someone with braces. When you need orthodontic treatment, you often receive a great deal of information. Having a basic knowledge about the world of orthodontics will help you make educated decisions for yourself or a loved one.

What is orthodontics?
Simply put, orthodontics is the dental specialty focused on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental or facial irregularities.

How is an orthodontist different from a dentist?
While all orthodontists are dentists, not all dentists are orthodontists. In addition to successfully completing dental school, orthodontists must also take another two to three years of advanced training.

Can I tell if braces are needed?
The best way to determine if you or a family member should seek orthodontic treatment is through an evaluation with an orthodontist. If you notice buck teeth, an overbite, under bite, or open bite, orthodontic treatment is a likely course of action.

What’s the difference between Phase I and Phase II?

With Phase I, or early interceptive treatment, patients are between 6 and 10 years old, and all their permanent teeth have not yet erupted. Certain problems are easier to treat when children are younger and they are still growing. Also called comprehensive treatment, Phase II happens once all permanent teeth come in and usually involves a full set of braces.

What are my treatment options?

That answer depends on your age and your specific case. Typically, younger children respond well to traditional metal braces. Older teens and adult patients often like less conspicuous choices. Ceramic brackets, clear aligners like Invisalign, and lingual braces can straighten your smile and allow you to maintain a professional image.

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