It’s never too late to correct bothersome or unappealing problems with your smile. Adult braces are becoming more and more popular, especially as options are available that are not as noticeable as traditional braces. Two choices that many adults select between are clear braces and Invisalign. Here is a comparison of these two options that adults tend to choose when taking the plunge into orthodontic work.

Clear braces
This type of braces is practically invisible in your mouth. Comprised of clear materials and modern wires, they are not noticeable when you smile. They also move teeth quickly and effectively. Clear braces provide a faster treatment than the option of invisible aligning trays. There are no speech impediments and some say they are easier to maintain than metal braces, since you can see where food particles are hiding and clean them away. You do need to steer clear of things known to stain teeth, such as coffee and smoking, while wearing clear braces because they can become discolored.

Clear aligning trays make up the other option called Invisalign. The trays are custom-made for your mouth, which makes them comfortable. They are also more comfortable than traditional braces because there aren’t any metal wires or brackets that tend to irritate your gums and mouth tissues. The clear trays are nearly invisible, and others may not even notice you’re wearing Invisalign. One of the biggest benefits of this orthodontic choice is that the trays are removable for eating, drinking, brushing, flossing, and even special occasions. They are easy to clean and you are able to maintain your regular dental hygiene routine.

Whichever choice you make for adult braces, the good news is that both of these options successfully straighten your teeth and improve your smile. Consult an orthodontist to see which of these choices might work best for you.

If you live in the Sherman Oaks area, visit our office to learn more about Invisalign.