Potential Outcomes of Orthodontic Treatment

You may not realize it, but orthodontic treatment can drastically change people’s lives. A healthy, straight smile improves your appearance and increases self-esteem and confidence. Insecurities about your smile could be holding you back from all kinds of things; a beautiful smile might give you just the edge on life that you need.

It doesn’t matter if you’re 16 or 60, a great smile is important. Age is really not a consideration for orthodontic treatment, especially with new advancements making treatment more and more discreet. So if you’re unhappy with your look and wonder if orthodontics can help, schedule an appointment with a qualified and experienced orthodontist to learn about the possibilities for your smile.

Most orthodontists offer a variety of options for treatment. These may include traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, Invisalign clear aligners and other appliances as appropriate. Ask your orthodontist about the best way to improve your smile, making sure to voice your concerns about treatment and the lifestyle that you hope to have during the process. For example, if diet restrictions are a big deal to you, then Invisalign removeable aligners might be appealing.

Some common issues that orthodontics helps with include:

  • Crowded or overlapping teeth
  • Spaces or gaps between teeth
  • Overbite where the upper front teeth protrude over the lower ones
  • Underbite where the lower teeth cover the upper teeth
  • Open bite where the teeth do not touch normally

A good orthodontist will work with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan that achieves your smile goals. You’ll learn how to care for your mouth during the process so that your teeth remain healthy and strong. Then when treatment is complete, you’ll be able to display your new look proudly and enjoy it for a lifetime.

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Getting Your Questions about Invisalign Answered

The best way to determine if an orthodontic treatment plan is right for you is to visit a qualified professional for a consultation. However, it’s also smart to go into the office with some knowledge about the options and questions that you might have. Being well-informed puts you on the road to a successful experience. If you’re wondering about Invisalign treatment, here are some common questions and answers about this method.

How does Invisalign work?

Unique 3D computer technology is used to create a treatment plan from the initial teeth position to the final desired position. Clear plastic aligners are developed based on the imaging in sets to be worn from the start of treatment and changed every couple of weeks to new sets as treatment progresses. This process gradually moves the teeth into better positions.

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign?

Most adults and teens are eligible for treatment, with the exception of those who still have too many baby teeth or are awaiting the eruption of second molars. Invisalign addresses most orthodontic issues, although a professional consultation is the best way to find out if it’s right for you.

What type of doctor should I see?

Special training is required to become an authorized Invisalign provider, as well as ongoing training classes to maintain the designation of “Preferred Provider.” This status may be achieved by a dentist or an orthodontist, so just look for a provider with the required Invisalign training.

Does Invisalign hurt?

The pain associated with traditional orthodontics does not occur with Invisalign, mainly because there are no wires involved. You may experience slight discomfort as you adjust to each new set of aligners, but it dissipates quickly and is not severe.

How will Invisalign affect my everyday life?

Since the aligners are removeable for eating and cleaning, you can stick to your regular diet and oral hygiene. Fewer appointments are required than with traditional braces, so you won’t even be giving up your time to sit in the dental chair. Your daily life will hardly be affected during Invisalign treatment.

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Oral Cancer Screenings at Your Dentist

Oral cancer includes cancers of the tongue, the hard and soft palate, the sinuses, the throat, and the cheeks and lips. It is a disease that can be life threatening if not diagnosed early enough, and oral cancer rates are increasing. One of the main problems with this condition is that it is frequently diagnosed when the cancer is already well advanced, and when the chances of a complete cure are greatly reduced.

What Are The Symptoms of Oral Cancer?

The most common symptoms include:

  • Sores in the mouth that fail to heal within two weeks, and which bleed easily
  • Lumps, bumps and swellings in the mouth
  • Rough patches of skin in the mouth
  • Color changes to the soft tissues in the mouth, for example the development of red or white spots
  • Difficultly in eating, chewing or swallowing
  • Having a sore throat or feeling hoarse
  • Noticing your teeth fit together slightly differently
  • Certain areas of the face may become numb, or might feel painful or tender

How is Oral Cancer Diagnosed?

Oral cancer screenings are a part of regular dental checkups. Your dentist will examine all the soft tissues in your mouth, and will check to see if the lymph nodes in your neck are swollen. If they find anything that looks suspicious then they will remove a few cells for closer examination. This is done with a brush biopsy, where a small brush is used to collect a few cells, or through removing a small sample of tissue for closer analysis. If anything suspicious is found then your dentist will refer you to an oral cancer specialist for further tests.

Early diagnosis of this disease is essential, and you can help yourself by keeping an eye out for any possible symptoms in between regular screenings. One of the most commons symptoms is noticing an ulcer or sore that fails to heal within a reasonable timeframe. It is always worth seeking professional dental advice to help eliminate the possibility of oral cancer.

If you need a orthodontist in Sherman Oaks, contact us today

How to Maintain a Gorgeous Smile

One of your most valuable assets is your beautiful smile. You feel better about yourself and display an air of self-assurance when your smile looks sensational. To keep your pearly whites in top condition, follow these helpful hints.

Schedule routine dental visits

During these appointments, your dentist will perform a thorough exam to assess your current status and look for any potential problems. Addressing small issues, like cavities, before they escalate can save you time and money.

Brush and floss frequently

Good home care goes a long way towards protecting your teeth and gums. Make sure to brush at least twice a day and floss daily to prevent problems like cavities and gum disease.

Consider orthodontic therapy

With a straighter smile, you will feel more confident and improve your dental health. Routine tasks, like brushing and flossing, are easier to perform on straight teeth.

Eat well

Choose a balance diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy options, and lean proteins. Limiting your intake of sugary beverages and sweet treats will also help preserve your smile.

Curb bad habits

Nail biting, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption can cause damage to teeth and gums. Talk with your dentist if you need suggestions to help you break the habits.

Talk with your dentist about cosmetic dentistry

Simple procedures like teeth whitening or cosmetic bonding can dramatically impact your smile. During a consultation, your dentist can review the options and help you determine the best choice for enhancing your appearance.

Our dental office is located in Burbank

Finding the Bright Side of Wearing Braces

One of the best ways to achieve a perfect smile is by wearing braces, but it doesn’t come without a few hassles. Once you see your issues like overcrowded teeth, gaps, bite misalignment, and more are gone, the end result is worth it. In the meantime, look for the bright side of wearing braces! Follow these guidelines for making your time in braces as successful as possible.

Don’t stress out about the initial part of the process when the orthodontist makes molds of your teeth. Some patients hate this part and worry about gagging. Most people have the same reaction, so don’t feel self-conscious about it. Avoid eating right before your appointment so that food will be less likely to come up. Brush your teeth well before and after the appointment.

Your orthodontist will provide a list of foods that you shouldn’t eat while you’re in braces. Remember that you won’t be without your popcorn or favorite candy forever; it’ll be worth the wait when you get to eat those treats again using your perfectly straight teeth! Look at the restrictions as a chance to try different foods and maybe even eat a little healthier.

Speaking of foods, indulge in your favorite cold treats after your appointments to get your braces adjusted or tightened. Sure, it’s uncomfortable, but having a yummy milkshake or ice cream cone will help ease the pain. Braces provide a great excuse for a trip to the ice cream shop.

If fashion is your thing, have fun with the elastics that go with your braces if your treatment involves them. Orthodontists offer a variety of color choices, so express your style when selecting your elastics. Every month can be a new adventure for your smile.

It may be a bummer to wear braces for a couple of years, but you can improve the experience by making the most of it. Keep your mind focused on how happy you’ll be in the end.

If you live in the Burbank, contact us today

Tips for a Successful Braces Journey

Wearing braces on your teeth is a step toward improving your appearance and self-esteem for the rest of your life. A straight, appealing smile is the goal, but you must care for your braces and follow your orthodontist’s instructions during treatment to achieve that goal. Follow these tips for a successful braces journey.

Not surprisingly, you must properly and consistently perform oral hygiene tasks. Your teeth are even more susceptible to plaque buildup and bacteria attacks when you’re wearing braces. Food can easily become trapped in the wires and brackets, and it can be difficult to remove debris. Try to carry a soft-bristled toothbrush with you so that you can stop by the bathroom after eating to clean your braces and teeth. Always rinse thoroughly with water to dislodge food, and brush gently from various angles.

Even though it can be tricky, don’t neglect flossing. Thread the floss between your teeth and wires, and gently work the floss between the braces and teeth. Try using a threader available at drugstores to insert the floss more easily. Your orthodontist may also recommend rinsing with mouthwash daily to fight bacteria.

Always stick to the diet that your orthodontist provides. Do not eat the foods that are known to damage braces, such as popcorn or hard candies or sticky caramel. Items on the list are common culprits for breaking your brackets or wires. It’s best to consider every food before you eat it so that you avoid items that may damage your braces. In some cases, you can simply cut the food into smaller pieces and still be able to eat it.

You may also be warned against consuming too many starchy or sugary foods and drinks, which promote decay and gum disease. Also, break potentially harmful habits like chewing ice or knawing on pencils. Another way to protect your braces is to wear a mouth guard when engaging in sports or other physical activities. A customized mouth guard is the best option for protecting your smile.

Following these guidelines will help your teeth remain clean and healthy while undergoing treatment, so that your smile is in tip-top shape when the braces are removed.

Schedule your appointment at our Sherman Oaks dental office