Learning about Lingual Braces

The most common treatment method for straightening teeth and correcting bites has been braces for many years. However, new types of braces have been developed as technology has advanced. One example is lingual braces, sometimes also referred to as incognito braces.

Like traditional braces, lingual braces are made of metal. There is one major difference from braces that have been available for a long time; lingual braces are fitted on the inside of your teeth instead of the outside. This provides the benefits of braces without the embarrassment of visible metal braces.

Many patients are candidates for lingual braces, although they might be considered most popular among adults who especially want to hide the fact that they are undergoing orthodontic treatment at a later age. A consultation with an orthodontist is necessary to determine if you are a good candidate, or if a different option might be more effective.

Braces that require wires and brackets on your teeth have a reputation for causing discomfort. Lingual braces are no different, and in fact, they tend to be a bit more uncomfortable due to their placement on the inside of your teeth. It feels somewhat unnatural having the metal inside your mouth where your tongue brushes against it often. For the first week or so, your tongue may feel a little sore as you get used to it having to share space with the braces.

Talking and eating may be awkward after you initially get lingual braces. A slight lisp or whistling sound is common when speaking at first, but disappears as you grow accustomed to the braces. The same goes for eating, as you’ll get used to how the braces fit in your mouth.

Because of their location, lingual braces are difficult to clean. Food tends to get stuck in the braces and it’s hard to remove, especially since you can’t see behind your teeth well. It’s hard to know how dirty or clean your braces and teeth are. Regular brushing and flossing is key to maintaining good oral health while wearing lingual braces.

If achieving the perfect smile while hiding treatment is important to you, talk to an orthodontist about the possibility of lingual braces.

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Does Invisalign Affect Your Social Life?

Chances are you’ve probably heard of Invisalign, the clear plastic aligners that straighten your teeth without having to wear traditional metal braces. Their incognito appearance allows you to get the smile you’ve always wanted without having to sacrifice elements of your life. For example, how does Invisalign affect your social life?

One of the best things about Invisalign is that you can keep living your life as you’re used to doing. Because the aligners are removed for eating and cleaning, you don’t have to alter your diet. If you like eating popcorn at the movies or chowing down on buffalo wings with your friends, you can continue doing those things. Without wires and brackets, you also don’t need to worry about food becoming stuck in your braces. Just brush and floss your teeth normally, and put your aligners back in to continue achieving your new smile.

Invisalign’s clear plastic aligners will not negatively impact your self-esteem. Your confidence level will get a boost as your smile improves and you don’t have to suffer through the hassles associated with many other kinds of orthodontic treatments.

Since the aligners are removeable, you reserve the right to take them out for special occasions. You’ll want to wear them for the recommended 20 hours a day for optimum results, but you can remove the aligners for a special party, event, or work function. It’s wonderful to have this option for those most treasured memories.

Your social life also won’t suffer from having to miss out on things due to orthodontic appointments. Invisalign treatment requires fewer office visits than most other methods, plus there are no painful adjustments that put you out of commission as your mouth gets used to the new treatment. Instead, Invisalign moves your teeth gently and consistently throughout treatment.

Invisalign transforms smiles for most patients in only about a year. This faster treatment time will get you the end results you desire without having to wait for years to achieve them. With Invisalign, you can transform your smile without harming your social life.

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Signs You Might Need Braces

Orthodontic treatment is a solution for a variety of dental issues. Your smile may not only look like it could benefit from wearing braces, but your oral health might also benefit as well. Often, a healthy mouth includes teeth that are aligned properly to allow for good cleaning and maintenance. It’s helpful to identify orthodontic problems early so that action may be taken at that time or planned for in the f

What are some signs that you might benefit from braces? Here are some common indicators to help you recognize when it’s time to make an orthodontist appointment for you or your child.

The most common reason that patients visit the orthodontist is for teeth that are too crowded. It indicates that there is not enough space in the mouth to fit all the teeth. Therefore, the teeth crowd into each other and become crooked. Crowded teeth can be difficult to clean and usually worsen over time. Tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath can all result. Orthodontic treatment straightens the teeth and helps avoid pain and oral health problems.

Another popular reason for orthodontic treatment is a problem with the bite. There are several types of abnormal bites that can usually be treated with braces:

  • Overbite – When the front upper teeth overlap the front lower teeth, it’s called an overbite. It can be very noticeable and embarrassing, and increases risks for trauma to the front teeth.
  • Underbite – An underbite occurs when the upper front teeth are aligned behind the lower front teeth. It is often an indicator of disproportionate jaw size, causing imbalanced facial appearance, difficulty eating, or accelerated facial aging.
  • Cross bite – An abnormal bite in which the upper tooth is behind the lower opposite tooth is called a cross bite. It may lead to excessive tooth wear or fracture, gum recession, or asymmetric jaw growth.
  • Open bite – When the bite doesn’t allow the front teeth to touch at all, it results in an open bite. Lisps and trouble biting or eating may result.

If you have any of these bite issues or teeth crowding, schedule a visit with an orthodontist to see if it’s time for treatment.

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Common Types of Orthodontic Appliances

If you are beginning your orthodontic journey, it’s likely you’ll hear terms mentioned in the office that are new to you. If you or your child is told that some type of appliance is recommended to help achieve the perfect smile, it’s helpful to be familiar with what they are. Here are descriptions of some of the most common orthodontic appliances.


Sometimes braces require gentle but continuous force to aid individual tooth movement or jaw realignment. This can be achieved using small elastics or rubberbands. They must be worn at all times, even when eating, to be fully effective.


One approach to creating more space for teeth is wearing headgear, which attaches to the braces with metal hooks or a facebow. Straps usually anchor the appliance to the back of the neck or head. Headgear is often used to draw the molars further back in the mouth to allow more space for shifting the front teeth as desired.

Palatal expander

Widening the upper jaw to allow the upper and lower teeth to fit together better is possible with a palatal expander. For best results, it is used in patients under 15 who still have pliable jaw bones. The expander involves attaching a screw to the teeth with bands around the teeth, and then activating the expander by turning the screw with a key.

Bite plate

To correct a bite where the upper front teeth extend too far over the lower front teeth, a bite plate may be required to be worn for 24 hours a day for 3 to 6 months. This small acrylic appliance is clipped to the inside of the top teeth using metal clasps, and is typically used in the early stages of orthodontic treatment.

Holding arch

This appliance prevents the molars from moving and causing crowded teeth to spread. It basically offers a holding spot until permanent teeth come in.


There are several styles of retainers in use, but the purpose of each of them is to maintain treatment results after braces have been removed. Retainers offer the best way to ensure long-term orthodontic results.

If you need a orthodontist in Sherman Oaks, contact us today

Invisalign: The Characteristics

Crooked teeth or a misaligned bite can make even the most confident person self-conscious. No matter your age, Invisalign orthodontic treatment can repair your smile without the sometimes annoying and embarrassing characteristics of traditional braces. This revolutionary method provides a hassle-free orthodontic experience that gives you the same end results as you might achieve with other techniques.


Perhaps the most well-known characteristic of Invisalign is the fact that they are nearly invisible. The clear plastic aligners are transparent when worn over your teeth, so that others likely won’t even realize you’re wearing them. Your teeth may appear shiny or glossy, but that just provides a polished look without giving away the secret that you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.


The removeable aligners give you the freedom to take them in and out as you please. They should always be removed while eating and cleaning, but can also be taken out as desired. However, it’s important to remember that the trays should be worn at least 20 hours a day for ideal results.


Invisalign is probably the most comfortable orthodontic solution available. The trays are customized so that they fit comfortably, and movement is gradual so that you don’t experience significant discomfort like is common with traditional orthodontic adjustments.


The trays should be removed for regular cleaning, which is simple using a regular toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. When the trays are out of your mouth, normal dental hygiene tasks of brushing and flossing your teeth are advised. It’s easy to maintain good oral health without having to work around cumbersome appliances.


The process for Invisalign involves creating customized trays to fit your mouth structure perfectly. The aligners are replaced with new sets at regular intervals, usually about every two weeks, as your progress continues. Your progress can be monitored using special computer software so you can actually see your smile improve and the expected end results.

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Preparing Your Teeth for Braces

If your smile makes you unhappy because of problems like crooked teeth or a misaligned bite or large gaps, you may be anxious to correct your smile with braces. There are numerous options available for braces today such as traditional metal braces, ceramics, Invisalign and more. Once you and your orthodontist decide which treatment is best for you, it’s important to reserve time to repair any dental issues that might affect the success of your orthodontics before you get started.

Schedule an appointment with your dentist for a thorough checkup and professional cleaning prior to getting braces. If any of your teeth have decay that requires dental fillings, now is the time to have them done. You don’t want any extra teeth sensitivity due to decay, and having fillings completed may improve the fit and comfort of your braces. Also, it’s easier on both you and the dentist to perform the work without braces in your mouth.

Chips or cracks on your teeth should also be repaired at this time. You might need a dental crown or cap to best correct your problem. Have your dentist make the right corrections before you begin orthodontic treatment.

Wisdom teeth are a common culprit for problems with the spacing in your mouth. If you have wisdom teeth that have already erupted, it’s easy for your dental professional to tell if they should be extracted to achieve your ideal smile. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, it’s likely they should be removed prior to orthodontic treatment so that the process isn’t later ruined by your wisdom teeth coming in.

A professional teeth cleaning is an important step before getting braces. Brushing and flossing alone usually isn’t enough to eliminate all of the plaque buildup, tartar and bacteria that has accumulated on your teeth. Scaling and polishing is often necessary to make your teeth the best they can be prior to beginning orthodontic treatment. Even if you opt to go with Invisalign, your smile will look and feel better after a professional cleaning.

Once you have visited your dentist and had any necessary procedures completed, you can return to your orthodontist to begin your journey to a beautiful smile.

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