Invisalign Maintenance

A revolutionary method for improving smiles without the hassles of traditional braces is called Invisalign. These clear plastic aligners are used to correct a variety of dental issues, such as teeth overcrowding, gaps, and bite problems. Patients like Invisalign because the invisible aligners allow smile improvement without the embarrassment of a mouth full of metal. Also, easy maintenance is a big draw.

Invisalign aligners are removeable for eating and cleaning. This allows patients to eat whatever foods they desire; there are no diet restrictions with Invisalign. The aligning trays also facilitate simple oral hygiene. Patents can brush and floss normally without having to maneuver around cumbersome wires or brackets. There is no food debris in the aligners themselves since they are removed for eating.

Proper maintenance of Invisalign trays is important to treatment success. Cleaning is simple, but if it is not performed regularly it can allow plaque and bacteria buildup.

Here are some tips to help ensure good condition of the Invisalign aligners during treatment:

  • Clean both your teeth and aligning trays before wearing them. Brush and floss your teeth properly. Then gently brush the aligners with regular toothpaste that does not contain any harsh abrasives or chemicals, or use an Invisalign cleaning kit if your dental professional has provided it.
  • Do not chew gum while wearing your Invisalign trays. It can become stuck to the aligners and be difficult to remove, as well as damage the trays.
  • Avoid eating or drinking hot foods or drinks when wearing your aligners. It is acceptable to drink cool water while wearing the trays, but remove them for drinking anything else or while eating any foods.
  • When the aligners are out of your mouth, store them properly to avoid damage or loss. Your dental professional will provide a secure storage case that is best used to house your aligning trays whenever they are not in use.
  • Quit smoking because tobacco can stain not only your teeth, but also your aligners. If nothing else, do not ever smoke while wearing the trays.

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Facts About Invisalign Teen

The nearly invisible way to straighten your teenager’s teeth while avoiding diet restrictions and cleaning difficulties is Invisalign Teen. Instead of traditional metal brackets and wires, Invisalign consists of a series of clear plastic aligners that gently shift teeth into better positions. Many parents and teens have questions about the process, so let’s get the facts.

What are the advantages? The aligners are removable to make eating and cleaning easy. There are no foods to avoid during treatment, and normal brushing and flossing are all that’s required. Your teen can even remove the aligners while playing sports or musical instruments. Invisalign Teen is a practical way to improve your teen’s smile.

Does it work as well as traditional braces? Yes, when worn consistently for the recommended 20-22 hours a day, Invisalign treats most orthodontic issues. This includes crowding, gaps, and bite issues that commonly send teens to the orthodontist. Look for a certified Invisalign Teen dental professional in your area to find out if your teen is a good candidate.

What if my teen is irresponsible? Invisalign Teen has a built-in check system to make it easy to know when it’s time to change aligners. Each tray has a blue indicator that fades over time, so the orthodontist will know if your teen is wearing the aligners as directed. Computer imaging also tracks your teen’s progress, allowing you to see how the teeth are moving and what the end results will look like. This spurs many teens on to see how great their smiles will be if they comply to the guidelines! Also, if your teen is one who tends to lose things all the time, don’t worry. Invisalign Teen provides six replacement aligners for free.

What about my teen’s busy schedule? Invisalign Teen requires less office visits than traditional braces since there are no adjustments or broken appliances. A checkup every 4-6 weeks is all that’s needed. Plus, the average overall treatment is often complete in as little as one year.

Research shows that self-conscious teens are happy to have an orthodontic option that is less embarrassing than traditional braces. This incognito approach, along with the other benefits, makes Invisalign Teen a solution worth checking out.

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Advantages of Invisalign

Nearly two million people worldwide have discovered Invisalign, the latest technology for improving smiles. Treatment involves wearing a series of customized clear plastic aligners to gently shift teeth into better positions. This revolutionary method is appealing to patients because it eliminates some of the aspects that people dislike about traditional orthodontic solutions.

Perhaps the most obvious benefit to Invisalign is that the aligners are invisible. The clear plastic makes the trays almost undetectable in your smile. This gives patients the confidence to smile throughout treatment instead of being embarrassed by a mouth full of metal.

You can remove your Invisalign aligners at any time. Although for best success they should be worn at least 20 hours per day, they should be removed while eating or performing oral hygiene tasks. This means that there are no diet restrictions during treatment, and maintenance is simple because it involves normal brushing and flossing.

Invisalign aligners are comfortable since there are no wires or brackets that might poke or tear your skin. They also are safer than some other orthodontic options when playing sports or other activities. Invisalign aligners gently move teeth so there is typically less pressure or pain during treatment than with traditional braces.

The aligners are customized for every patient to treat your specific issues. Different sets of aligners are provided for adults, adolescents and children, plus different sets are worn during each stage of straightening. This personalized solution means that treatment is very precise, and it is even created and monitored using special computer software to increase the accuracy of treatment. Also, many patients find that the duration of treatment is less for Invisalign. The average treatment time is often about one year, as long as you wear the aligners as recommended.

With all of the advantages that Invisalign offers, it’s easy to understand why it has become such a popular choice in orthodontic treatment. If you’re interested in seeing if Invisalign is right for you, schedule a consultation with a dental professional who is trained and qualified in providing this type of treatment.

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Does Invisalign Affect Your Social Life?

Chances are you’ve probably heard of Invisalign, the clear plastic aligners that straighten your teeth without having to wear traditional metal braces. Their incognito appearance allows you to get the smile you’ve always wanted without having to sacrifice elements of your life. For example, how does Invisalign affect your social life?

One of the best things about Invisalign is that you can keep living your life as you’re used to doing. Because the aligners are removed for eating and cleaning, you don’t have to alter your diet. If you like eating popcorn at the movies or chowing down on buffalo wings with your friends, you can continue doing those things. Without wires and brackets, you also don’t need to worry about food becoming stuck in your braces. Just brush and floss your teeth normally, and put your aligners back in to continue achieving your new smile.

Invisalign’s clear plastic aligners will not negatively impact your self-esteem. Your confidence level will get a boost as your smile improves and you don’t have to suffer through the hassles associated with many other kinds of orthodontic treatments.

Since the aligners are removeable, you reserve the right to take them out for special occasions. You’ll want to wear them for the recommended 20 hours a day for optimum results, but you can remove the aligners for a special party, event, or work function. It’s wonderful to have this option for those most treasured memories.

Your social life also won’t suffer from having to miss out on things due to orthodontic appointments. Invisalign treatment requires fewer office visits than most other methods, plus there are no painful adjustments that put you out of commission as your mouth gets used to the new treatment. Instead, Invisalign moves your teeth gently and consistently throughout treatment.

Invisalign transforms smiles for most patients in only about a year. This faster treatment time will get you the end results you desire without having to wait for years to achieve them. With Invisalign, you can transform your smile without harming your social life.

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Getting Your Questions about Invisalign Answered

The best way to determine if an orthodontic treatment plan is right for you is to visit a qualified professional for a consultation. However, it’s also smart to go into the office with some knowledge about the options and questions that you might have. Being well-informed puts you on the road to a successful experience. If you’re wondering about Invisalign treatment, here are some common questions and answers about this method.

How does Invisalign work?

Unique 3D computer technology is used to create a treatment plan from the initial teeth position to the final desired position. Clear plastic aligners are developed based on the imaging in sets to be worn from the start of treatment and changed every couple of weeks to new sets as treatment progresses. This process gradually moves the teeth into better positions.

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign?

Most adults and teens are eligible for treatment, with the exception of those who still have too many baby teeth or are awaiting the eruption of second molars. Invisalign addresses most orthodontic issues, although a professional consultation is the best way to find out if it’s right for you.

What type of doctor should I see?

Special training is required to become an authorized Invisalign provider, as well as ongoing training classes to maintain the designation of “Preferred Provider.” This status may be achieved by a dentist or an orthodontist, so just look for a provider with the required Invisalign training.

Does Invisalign hurt?

The pain associated with traditional orthodontics does not occur with Invisalign, mainly because there are no wires involved. You may experience slight discomfort as you adjust to each new set of aligners, but it dissipates quickly and is not severe.

How will Invisalign affect my everyday life?

Since the aligners are removeable for eating and cleaning, you can stick to your regular diet and oral hygiene. Fewer appointments are required than with traditional braces, so you won’t even be giving up your time to sit in the dental chair. Your daily life will hardly be affected during Invisalign treatment.

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