The Purpose of Orthodontic Treatment

Although most people want a straight smile because it looks good, you receive other benefits of orthodontic treatment. Crowded and crooked teeth are harder to maintain, which can result in increased problems with tooth decay or gum disease. As well, a bad bite, or malocclusion, can make chewing difficult and cause uneven tooth wear.

Common orthodontic issues include:

This type of problem occurs when the upper teeth rest significantly inside or outside the lower teeth. Crossbites make chewing tough and can cause issues with proper jaw growth.

A small mouth, larger teeth, or a narrow jaw can make it difficult for permanent teeth to move into the correct spot.

Deep overbite
If the incisors, the upper front teeth, overlap too far over the lower teeth, a deep overbite results.

Under bite
The lower teeth can be positioned ahead of the upper teeth and create an under bite, which may suggest that the jaws are not in the right position.

Open bite
When your upper and lower teeth don’t meet as you bite down, this condition is called an open bite. Having an open bite can make biting difficult, impact speech, and produce uneven wear on teeth.

Spacing problems
If an individual has particularly small teeth or has lost teeth, this situation can produce larger spaces between teeth.

Because each person’s bite is different, the orthodontic treatment course will vary slightly from individual to individual. Braces are a common choice to correct bite issues. Your orthodontist will evaluate your mouth and then create a detailed plan for improving your smile and oral health.

We create beautiful smiles at Mehdi Fotovat Sherman Oaks Orthodontist

Cleaning and Care during Orthodontic Treatment

When you have braces, oral care can be tricky. Brackets, wires, rubber bands, and other orthodontic appliances can catch food. Breakage can occur if you don’t watch what you eat. Understanding how to protect your orthodontia and your teeth will help ensure a successful outcome.

Flossing with Braces
Although flossing is more difficult, it’s especially important when you have braces. To make it easier you may need to buy flossers, which will help you thread the floss between the wires. As you floss, don’t pull to hard on the arch wire.

Brushing Tips
With braces, you need to brush after every meal to remove any trapped food particles. Carry a travel toothbrush and toothpaste to make it easier during your busy day.

Avoid Problem Foods
Certain choices like sticky treats and hard substances aren’t a good idea while you have braces. Pretzels, popcorn, suckers, and taffy can pull off brackets or damage wires, so save these goodies for after you finish treatment.

Safeguard Your Smile
If you play sports or participate in activities that could involve contact, like basketball, soccer, and even skateboarding, ask your orthodontist about a mouth guard. These plastic devices cover teeth and gums to prevent mouth injuries.

Keep your orthodontist informed
If you break a bracket or have a wire come loose, call your orthodontist’s office and find out the next steps. You can cover the area with dental wax to prevent irritation. Don’t try to repair the problem yourself because you could cause further damage.

Sherman Oaks, CA orthodontic office – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS.

Questions Parents ask about Orthodontics

If you child is one of the estimated four million children in the United States and Canada undergoing orthodontic treatment, you probably want to know more about orthodontics and why you need to be concerned about this type of dental therapy. It’s also good to understand the purpose of orthodontics in case you or a loved one need treatment in the future. The following questions and answers will offer you valuable information about orthodontic treatment.

Why does orthodontic treatment really matter?

Not only will a gorgeous smile and properly aligned bite make your child feel more confident, but it can also improve dental health. Straight teeth are easier to clean, which reduces the risk for cavities and gum disease.

How will I know if my child needs treatment?

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) encourages parents to have their children evaluated by an orthodontist at around age seven. At this point, children have enough permanent teeth for the orthodontist to evaluate how well the teeth and jaws meet, and to identify current or developing issues.

Does my child’s growth impact treatment?

Often, growth and orthodontic therapy work hand-in-hand. In many cases, the orthodontist can capitalize on your child’s growth to move jaws and teeth into their ideal positions.

What is the best way to find an orthodontist?

Various resources exist to help you choose the right orthodontist. Ask friends and family, talk with your child’s dentist, and use the Internet. Once you identify several candidates, schedule consultation appointments so that you can get a feel for the doctor and staff.

Schedule a consult at our orthodontic dental practice in Sherman Oaks, CA – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS

Fun Facts about Orthodontics

Defined as the practice of preventing or correcting irregularities relating to the teeth or mouth, orthodontics allows people to enjoy straighter, healthier smiles. Though you may know the basics about braces, some of these interesting tidbits might surprise you.

• Activated by body heat, the wires used in today’s braces were created by NASA for use in the space program.
• An estimated 4 million people in this country are enhancing their smiles with orthodontic treatment. Approximately 20 percent of those patients are over age 18.
• Braces are attached to your teeth with cement, which is now made with a special fluoride-releasing component, to help protect teeth from decay.
• Charles Tweed has the honor of being recognized as the first orthodontist in this country.
• Dating back from the eight to fourth century B.C., the idea of orthodontic treatment was practiced by the Etruscans, who utilized wires to close the space left by lost teeth.
• Famous people like Whoopi Goldberg, Chelsea Clinton, Tom Cruise, Miley Cyrus, and Gwen Stefani have worn braces.
• In the United States and Canada, only 8,000 of the 160,000 dentists are practicing orthodontists.
• Metal braces used to be the only choice for straighter teeth, but modern advancements have resulted in options like ceramic brackets, lingual braces, and clear aligners for adult patients.
• Not wearing their retainers after treatment causes up to 25 percent of patients to need braces again.
• Orthodontics became a dental specialty in the 1900s.
• To become an orthodontist, you must complete an additional two to three years of training after dental school.
• Wearing braces does not increase your chances of getting struck by lightening. With or without a metal mouth, the odds are about one in 700,000 each year.

It’s time to schedule a visit to our Sherman Oaks, CA orthodontic office – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS.

Your Options for Braces

Some people are born with stunning smiles, but others need to give nature a hand. To achieve a flawless image, you may need to consider orthodontic treatment. The most common recommendation is often braces. At one time, metal braces were the only option for improving smiles. Modern advances give patients other choices for updating their images. Patient preferences, severity of the problem, cost, and treatment length can all influence the decision about the type of orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth.

Traditional metal braces

Even though other options exist, metal braces remain a popular choice for patients. Metal braces work well and cost less money than options like clear aligners or ceramic brackets. At Mehdi Fotovat, DDS, we offer GAC in-ovation-braces self-ligating braces. These braces have smaller brackets than traditional metal braces, and require less trips to the orthodontist with faster results.

Clear Brackets

If you don’t want other people to notice your braces, clear brackets are a good option.
We offer in-ovation-braces C (clear) brackets, which are translucent and blend in with your teeth coloring so that they are less noticeable. Just as with metal brackets, ceramic braces will straighten teeth over the treatment course.

Clear aligners

For adult and older teen patients, clear aligners such as Invisalign offer an inconspicuous way to create gorgeous smiles. These systems utilize custom, clear aligners to gently shift teeth into the desired position. Usually, treatment time is 12 to 18 months.

Schedule a visit to our Sherman Oaks orthodontic practice and see how we can enhance your smile. Mehdi Fotovat