Should I Consider Invisalign Clear Braces?

If you have thought about straightening your smile, but hate the idea of traditional metal braces, consider Invisalign clear braces. This revolutionary system of clear, acrylic aligners can shift teeth into the proper position. The following questions and answers will give you more information about Invisalign clear braces and the benefits of this orthodontic treatment.

Why should I care about fixing my crooked teeth?
Not only will a gorgeous smile boost your confidence and improve your appearance, but straight teeth can also promote better dental health. Brushing and flossing are easier to perform on properly aligned teeth.

How does Invisalign work?
Through a series of clear aligners, Invisalign gently moves your teeth into alignment. You wear each aligner for about two weeks and then move on to the next one in the series. Treatment generally takes 12 to 18 months.

What are the advantages to Invisalign?
With Invisalign, patients don’t have to worry about the hassle and embarrassment caused by metal brackets. The custom aligners fit securely over teeth and are imperceptible to most people. Because the trays are removable, you can take them out to brush, floss, or for special occasions.

How do I know if Invisalign would work for me?
Most older teen and adult patients can choose Invisalign to correct their smiles. To confirm if this is a good option for you, schedule a consultation appointment with your orthodontist. At this visit, your doctor can discuss your goals and perform an exam to determine the best plan for creating a flawless smile.

Dr. Fotovat – Burbank Orthodontist – Invisalign Clear Braces at Mehdi Fotovat Sherman Oaks Orthodontist

Common Orthodontic Appliances

When people think about orthodontic treatment, they usually imagine braces. Although braces are a common form of therapy, orthodontists utilize other appliances as well. Depending on the situation, your orthodontist may recommend the following orthodontic devices:

The most recognizable orthodontic appliances, braces are the brackets or aligners used to shift teeth into the desired position. Traditional braces involve metal brackets and wires, but modern advances have provided other options such as lingual braces, ceramic brackets, and Invisalign clear aligners.

Once you complete treatment with braces, your orthodontist will likely fit you for a retainer, which is designed to keep teeth from moving out of alignment. Usually, retainers are worn almost constantly at first and then less frequently for maintenance purposes.

Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE)
Generally used for crowding of upper teeth or on a narrow jaw, the rapid palatal expander (RPE) is placed in the roof of the mouth and turned with a special key to increase the upper jaw area. Expanders are typically in place for about four to six months.

When patients have a severe overjet or their teeth need significant repositioning, the orthodontist may recommend head gear. Connected to the upper bands, head gear guides the jaw growth in the right direction.

Thumb Guard
As permanent teeth begin to erupt, thumb sucking can create issues and cause alignment problems. A thumb guard, which is positioned in the roof of the mouth, stops the thumb from pushing up against the front teeth.

Common Orthodontic Appliances at Mehdi Fotovat Sherman Oaks Orthodontist

Play it Safe: Protect Your Smile with a Mouth Guard

Whether participating or cheering from the sidelines, Americans love sports. From baseball to football to basketball, we enjoy the thrill of competition. Participating in sports for recreation is great for your health, but it can be hazardous to your mouth. In fact, 40 percent of all sports injuries involve the face.

To keep your smile in tact, most dentists and orthodontists recommend wearing a mouth guard in contact sports like hockey, football, or soccer. As well, they also suggest using this type of dental appliance in non-contact activities such as skateboarding and bicycling. Mouth guards help cushion your teeth, gums, and jaws from common injuries sustained during sports activities.

Designed to cover your teeth, mouth guards come in different varieties, including:

• Ready-made
The least expensive option, ready-made mouth guards are also less comfortable and less effective than the other types of protection. You can find ready-made mouth guards at most sporting goods stores.

• Mouth-formed
Generally created from acrylic or thermoplastic materials, mouth-formed guards will shape to fit your mouth are being placed in boiling water. These mouth guards don’t offer the same level of support as custom-made appliances.

• Custom
This is the best option, as custom mouth guards are constructed to precisely fit your mouth. Your orthodontist will take a mold of your teeth that a dental lab will use to produce your custom mouth guard.

Once you purchase a mouth guard, make sure to take good care of your oral appliance. Clean and rinse the guard after each use; then, allow it to air dry. Remember to check the appliance before you play to ensure it is still in good condition.

Mouthguards at Mehdi Fotovat Sherman Oaks, CA Orthodontist

Thumb-Sucking: Helping Your Child Quit

Though babies and toddlers use thumb-sucking to self-sooth, this habit can cause dental problems if your child continues as he or she grows up. By age six, you should work on curbing this habit so that you don’t end up with correct teeth, bite concerns, or additional treatment costs. Talk with your dentist or orthodontist for specific recommendations about handling the issue.

The following suggestions may help you work with your child to stop the thumb-sucking:

• Use positive affirmations. Instead of scolding your child for thumb-sucking, offer praise when he or she isn’t engaged in the behavior.

• Dig deeper. Often, children suck their thumbs because of fear or anxiety.

• Identifying the cause of the concerns may reduce your child’s need for this type of comfort.

• Create a plan. Talk with your child and get his or her input for the best way to stop the thumb-sucking. When you involve your child in the process, you may see more willing participation.

• Call in reinforcements. Ask your dentist and/or orthodontist to speak with your child and explain the oral health consequences for thumb-sucking.

• Add a deterrent. Sometimes, placing a sock over the thumb, wrapping a bandage around the digit, or using a thumb guard will make it difficult for your child to keep up the habit.

• Offer incentives. Let your child come up with a special reward for kicking the thumb-sucking habit. A new video game, coveted toy, or special dinner may provide the necessary push your child needs.

Straight teeth at Mehdi Fotovat Sherman Oaks Orthodontist

Make the Most of Orthodontic Treatment

While having to wear braces or other orthodontia may not be a lot of fun, most people enjoy straighter, gorgeous smiles because of this treatment time. The short-term hassles will produce lasting results. To get the maximum benefit from your orthodontic treatment, you need to follow these simple steps:

Be careful
Having braces shouldn’t impact your life in most cases, but you do need to make some adjustments. Stay away from hard foods and candies because they can damage brackets and wires. If you play sports, talk with your orthodontist about the type of mouth guard you need to wear with braces.

Follow instructions
Make sure to wear rubber bands, head gear, or other additional appliances as directed. Not wearing these devices can lengthen treatment time.

Don’t neglect your teeth
Though brushing and flossing are always important, they are particularly critical if you have braces. Food can easily get trapped between brackets and wires, creating a fertile breeding ground for bacteria and making your mouth susceptible to issues like tooth decay and gum disease.

Keep your appointments
Your orthodontist plans the visits at regular intervals to monitor the movement of your teeth and make necessary adjustments. Missing your scheduled appointment at the orthodontist can slow down your progress.

Continue regular dental visits
Because braces make routine oral care more difficult, you need to keep your appointments for semi-annual checkups. Your dentist and hygienist will examine your mouth and clean your teeth to promote good oral health.

Mehdi Fotovat Sherman Oaks Orthodontist