Maintaining Your Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign is a popular treatment for straightening teeth that avoids the hassle and unattractive appearance of traditional metal braces. Using custom fit clear aligner trays that fit over the teeth, Invisalign has an almost invisible appearance. Invisalign aligners are comfortable and are designed to be worn about twenty-two hours per day. The aligner trays should be replaced every two weeks.

Invisalign aligners are worn all day, and should only be removed when eating or for brushing and flossing of your teeth. To ensure the aligner trays work effectively, they should be worn even when sleeping.

Refrain from sugary foods and drinks when you are wearing the aligners to prevent teeth from developing cavities. Avoid chewing gum completely, as it will damage your aligners. Whenever possible, drink through a straw while wearing your aligners.

Your orthodontist should provide you with an official Invisalign cleaning kit. This kit contains a special cleaner that is dissolved in water and used to clear the aligners of debris, plaque, and odors. Every time you brush your teeth you should also brush your aligners. Removing the trays when you eat will also protect them from staining.

It is possible to wear your Invisalign aligners while playing contact sports. However, you may want to consider a mouth guard to offer additional protection to your teeth. Never leave your aligners in a place that is warmer than your mouth, as heat will do permanent damage to them. When not in use, always store your aligners in the case provided by your orthodontist.

With proper care, treatment with Invisalign will result in a beautiful, straight new smile you can enjoy for years to come.

Sherman Oaks Orthodontist

Taking Care of Your New Braces

If you or your child have a new set of braces, you will want to make sure to take proper care of your new orthodontia to ensure the treatment phase is efficient and successful.

Initially, you will want to choose a soft food diet for a few days to allow time for the sensitivity to subside. Once your mouth has adjusted to your new hardware, there are some simple guidelines you can follow to make sure your braces do their job effectively:

  • Avoid chewing hard or sticky foods such as ice, some candies, gum, hard chips, and popcorn kernels that can damage your braces.
  • Cut chewy meats off the bone, cut hard fruits and vegetables into small bites, and tear or cut chewy or hard bread into bite-size pieces.
  • Refrain from chewing on fingernails, pens, pencils or other hard objects to avoid damaging your orthodontia.
  • Wear a protective mouth guard when participating in contact sports and alert your orthodontist immediately if your braces are damaged in any way while playing.
  • Brush and floss regularly to maintain healthy teeth and gums while undergoing orthodontic treatment.
  • To maintain your gum health during and after having braces, floss using either a floss designed for braces or regular floss used with a floss threader.
  • Always wear rubber bands, retainers, or any other appliances as recommended by your orthodontist to ensure your teeth and jaw move into the correct position.

Taking care of your braces takes very little work, but offers many rewards. Maintaining the functionality of your braces will result in faster treatment time and a lifetime of straight, beautiful smiles.

Sherman Oaks Orthodontist

Is Your Child Too Young for Braces?

If visits from the tooth fairy are coming to an end and your child’s permanent teeth are filling in, it is probably time to start considering a trip to the orthodontist. When a child’s permanent teeth begin erupting, a qualified orthodontist will be able to assess and detect possible problems with emerging teeth and jaw development and begin the process of planning treatment to correct these issues.

The American Dental Association and the American Association of Orthodontists suggest children visit an orthodontist for evaluation by the age of seven, which is roughly the age most kids see the eruption of permanent teeth. Because an orthodontist is specially trained to align and straighten teeth, early detection of issues allows them to develop the best possible treatment plan.

Early assessment does not mean your child will begin the process of orthodontia immediately. However, this screening will allow your orthodontist to consider the best future treatment for bite problems, overcrowded or misaligned teeth. Some of these problems can be corrected at an early age through other dental treatment, resulting in shorter and less complicated orthodontic treatments.

In the past, correcting these types of issues with braces has been a single-phase process beginning after all primary teeth have fallen out and been replaced by permanent teeth. However, advances in orthodontic treatments have introduced a two-phase plan that can begin far earlier. Utilizing a dental appliance at a younger age followed by traditional braces can allow for a shorter treatment plan than the single-phase treatment.

To determine what type of treatment would be most beneficial to your child, consult with a qualified orthodontist as soon as you see permanent teeth make an appearance. This evaluation could mean the difference in shortening your child’s time in braces by months or even years and result in a lifetime of beautiful smiles.

Orthodontist in Sherman Oaks CA for braces