Having a straight smile can offer oral health benefits as well as improve self-esteem. If you are going to invest the time and money in orthodontic treatment, you will want it to be a worthwhile effort. After a consultation, your orthodontist will complete a thorough evaluation to determine the best option to move your teeth into alignment.

Once you begin treatment, consider these tips to make the most of your orthodontic therapy:

Brush and floss after you eat
Brackets, wires, and rubber bands can trap food particles, which can increase your chances of tooth decay. Proper home hygiene can protect your teeth and gums during orthodontic treatment. If you can’t brush immediately, rinse with water.

Choose adequate tools
Make sure that you use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. If your orthodontist suggests other products, like floss threaders or mouth rinses, take this advice to heart.

Avoid certain foods
Hard or sticky substances can cause damage to orthodontic equipment, so stay away from things like taffy, gummy bears, popcorn, and nuts. Eating a healthy, balanced diet will help your dental health and overall wellness.

Protect the equipment
When you have braces, you should use a mouth guard if you play sports. If you wear a removable appliance like head gear or a retainer, store these items in a safe place when you aren’t wearing them.

Listen to your orthodontist
Missing scheduled appointments or choosing not to wear your rubber bands will only prolong your treatment time. Your orthodontist makes recommendations so that your teeth will move into the desired position in a timely manner, so pay careful attention to your doctor’s instructions.