An estimated 44 million people in this country deal with chronic clenching and grinding. Also called bruxism, this condition can lead to broken crowns, sore muscles, worn teeth, sleep disruptions, and pain. Often, patients don’t even know they have issues with clenching and grinding, but they may wake up with headaches, toothaches, or soreness. Besides causing discomfort, bruxism can weaken enamel, lead to fractures, and eventually loosen teeth.

Adults and children at any age can develop bruxism. Usually, children outgrow this condition as they mature. No one knows the exact causes of bruxism, but several factors can contribute to clenching and grinding. Stress, sleeping problems, alignment issues, and missing teeth may result in problems with bruxism.

One successful treatment for bruxism is an NTI-tss. After a thorough evaluation, your dentist may recommend this type of therapy. A custom oral appliance, the NTI-tss fits securely over upper and lower front teeth while you sleep.

The NTI-tss will limit the intensity of any clenching and prevent back teeth from touching, which minimizes bruxism. Since the NTI-tss is smaller than full coverage mouth guards, many patients find it more comfortable and easier to wear. As well as helping with bruxism, the NTI-tss helps with migraine pain and may lessen symptoms of TMJ dysfunction.

Tips for dealing with bruxism:

  • Apply warm, moist compresses to relieve sore muscles
  • Find ways to relax, such as mediation, reading, or listening to soothing music
  • Talk with your dentist about restorative dental options to rebuild damaged teeth

Sherman Oaks Orthodontist