Many people think that braces are just for children and teenagers. Approximately one in five orthodontic patients, however, is over 18 years of age. Having a healthy, straight smile is a feature you never outgrow. Understanding your options can help you decide if adult treatment might be right for you.

How do I know if I need treatment?

Crooked teeth or a bad bite may indicate that you should think about orthodontic treatment, but the best way to know for sure is to make a consultation appointment. At this visit, your orthodontist can perform a complete evaluation and determine if you need orthodontia.

Is there an age limit for orthodontic treatment?

As long as the tissue around teeth is healthy, you can undergo orthodontic therapy at any age. Straightening your smile can contribute to overall health and wellbeing, so schedule a screening appointment to find out if you could benefit from treatment.

What are my options?

While metal braces are still available, most adults would like a less conspicuous form of treatment. Clear aligners such as Invisalign, as well as In-Ovation C braces, allow you to improve your smile without the look of metal appliances.

Will orthodontic treatment impact my routine?

In general, you can still lead a busy, active life. During traditional treatment, you need to stay away from sticky foods, visit the orthodontist regularly, and take extra time for cleanings. If you have clear aligners, you need to wear the appliances consistently, but take them out for brushing, flossing, and meals.

How long will treatment last?

Every case is unique, so there isn’t a set answer. Traditional braces usually stay on for 18 to 24 months. Therapy with clear aligners typically lasts 12 to 18 months.

Adult Orthodontics at our orthodontic dental practice in Sherman Oaks, CA – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS