Sports Drinks and Your Teeth

Sports drinks are a popular way to rehydrate after exercising but may not be a healthy choice for your teeth. Around 62% of American teenagers consume at least one of these drinks each day, but excess consumption can take its toll on oral health. Listed below are some of the reasons why these drinks are harmful.

What Makes Sports Drinks so Bad for Teeth?

Many sports drinks are high in sugar and it’s best to avoid these brands. This advice is already well known, but what’s less obvious is the high acid content. Any dentist in Sherman Oaks will tell you it’s the acid that can present the most danger to your teeth. It’s been found that consuming these drinks for just five days could permanently damage your teeth.

But Aren’t They Healthier than Soda?

Many people choose sports drinks to enhance their athletic performance and think they are a better choice than ordinary soda. In fact there is not much difference between the two, as sports drinks can contain just as much, if not more sugar. It’s certainly a myth that sports drinks are better for your teeth than sodas.

What Type of Damage Can They Do to Teeth?

Sports drinks can cause enamel erosion which is where the hard outer layer of your teeth is literally eroded away by the acid in these drinks. This can cause your teeth to become sensitive to hot and cold and increases the risk of tooth decay.

How Can I Avoid This Risk?

It’s best to avoid these drinks completely, but if you can’t give them up then try to at least minimize your consumption. Afterwards rinse your mouth with water, but wait at least half an hour before brushing. This allows the acidity levels in your mouth to normalize which has the effect of enabling your tooth enamel to slightly re-harden. Once this has occurred it’s safe to brush. Your dentist in Sherman Oaks might also recommend chewing sugar-free gum after consuming one of these drinks. This is because chewing helps increase saliva production, reducing acidity in your mouth.

If you need a orthodontist in Sherman Oaks, contact us today

Early Orthodontics: When’s The Best Time for Your Child’s First Orthodontic Visit?

Early Orthodontics: When’s The Best Time for Your Child’s First Orthodontic Visit?

Your oral health is essential to longevity and a good quality of life. Many adults would agree, however, did you know that establishing positive oral hygiene habits begin in early childhood? If your child’s teeth and gums aren’t healthy at the early stages of their life, this could easily foster into bigger health problems down the road. Dr. Fotovat recommends that all parents take action now and learn the best time for your child’s first orthodontic exam in order to preserve your youngster’s health and healthy smile during their developmental years.

Maintaining quality oral care habits often goes far beyond consulting a dentist. As they get older, it becomes obvious that many children need the help of a specialist to ensure their teeth remain in great shape. A qualified Orthodontist like Dr. Fotovat can identify irregularities in the teeth, jaws and face, as well as offer corrective treatment that best fit your youngster’s oral health needs.

It’s important to seek an orthodontist for your child when his or her permanent teeth are starting to grow in. This age varies since every child is different. Most orthodontic exams and treatments begin for kids around age 7 and should definitely occur no later than 9 years of age.

Here’s Why Your Child Should See an Orthodontist at an Early Age

The best time for your child’s first orthodontic exam is when his or her jaw and face begins developing as their adult teeth start coming in. Holding off on orthodontic treatment can potentially cause crooked teeth and spaces in the mouth that can effect your child’s facial balance. By the time he or she is past adolescence, their bones have already set in place. While it’s not impossible to seek orthodontic care after this time, keep in mind it’s certainly more difficult to bring the muscles and teeth into harmony with the rest of the face.

Dr. Fotovat is an exceptional Orthodontist, and he will initially assess your child’s needs during the first consultation. Concerns such as crowding, large spacing, problematic facial growth and bad habits, such as thumb-sucking, cheek-biting, or tongue-thrusting are taken into consideration. Afterwards, it’s easier to determine your child’s individualized treatment plan. If braces or retainers aren’t needed, your child will at least receive instructions on how to better preserve their teeth’s appearance.

What are some of the benefits of early orthodontics?

• A beautiful smile
• Proper tooth alignment
• Comfortable eating and digestive habits
• Easier time breathing and sleeping
• Improvement in speech
• Healthy self-esteem

The best time for your child’s first orthodontic exam remains a crucial factor in their development. As a family dentistry practice we encourage you to teach your child the benefits of early orthodontic care. Help them to avoid issues that can hinder their well-being in the future.

Scheduling a complimentary consultation with Fotovat DDS is the first step towards a beautiful, healthy, attractive smile. Call us at: 818-980-5300 or request an appointment here.

We look forward to meeting you!

Tips for Success with Braces

Your teeth and gums require extra special attention while wearing braces. Otherwise, the risk increases substantially for developing decay, gum disease or teeth staining. It’s also important to take special care of the braces themselves to prevent damage. If you aren’t diligent about following the guidelines provided by your orthodontist, your treatment may not be successful.

First and foremost, brushing your teeth after meals is imperative. You might get away with only brushing a couple of times a day without braces, but wearing orthodontic appliances means going the extra mile. Food particles are easily trapped by brackets and wires, and the longer the debris is present, the higher your risk for decay will be. After rinsing your mouth with water, use a soft toothbrush with round bristles. Start by brushing every tooth at the gum line, holding the brush at a 45-degree angle. Then brush the brackets from both an upward and downward angle, followed by more rinsing.

Even though it can be a daunting task, it’s important to floss daily between the braces and under the wires. It may be helpful to use a floss threader, and waxed floss often slides more easily between your teeth and braces than unwaxed floss.

Sherman Oaks orthodontist Dr. Fotovat may suggest using an oral irrigator that has a stream of pulsating water that targets plaque and debris. An interdental brush that inserts between teeth instead of flossing may also be an option. Rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash after other dental hygiene tasks can help kill bacteria left behind.

In addition to proper hygiene, pay attention to your diet. Avoid sugary or starchy foods that are prone to cause plaque or decay. Steer clear of eating overly chewy or sticky foods that can damage braces or become trapped in your mouth. Avoid hard foods like ice, popcorn or nuts that can break your brackets or wires. If you do want to eat crunchy foods like raw carrots or apples, cut them into bite-sized pieces first.

Taking good care of your braces and your oral health while undergoing orthodontic treatment is a key to success. You don’t want to wear braces for an extended period and then end up with a smile that still makes you unhappy. Follow these tips and you’ll be more likely to be smiling with delight.

Understanding In-Ovation Metal Braces

In the advanced world of orthodontics, new technologies have joined traditional braces on the stage for improving smiles. If you’re considering orthodontics, it’s smart to investigate the different options to see what’s right for you. One of the choices is called In-Ovation metal braces.

In-Ovation is a cutting-edge system that gives you the smile you’ve dreamed of having. In a grouping called self-litigating braces, they avoid the use of uncomfortable ties or elastics. In-Ovation metal braces use metal brackets, and they have a special clip that holds the wire to the bracket instead of using a rubber tie like traditional braces. The clip enables the archwire to guide the teeth into better positions. This metal-to-metal characteristic reduces friction with tooth movement, allowing for faster movement with less discomfort.

Because there are few wires and they don’t require adjusting like traditional braces, there are fewer appointments with the orthodontist. Patients only need to go into the office every 8 to 14 weeks, a great benefit for those with busy schedules. There are less demands for missing school or work due to braces adjustments.

Many patients also appreciate the look of In-Ovation metal braces. They have a lower profile than other self-litigating options. Not only does that mean they look better in your smile during treatment, you also eliminate the common problems associated with other braces of keeping them clean. They are easier to clean around and these braces produce less plaque buildup.

With faster results than traditional orthodontics, most patients can expect to complete treatment with In-Ovation metal braces in less than eighteen months. Also, this technology doesn’t just focus on straightening the teeth; your orthodontist also can achieve optimum facial proportion during the final phase of treatment. You’ll be thrilled with your whole new look by the end of treatment.

A healthy, attractive smile has never been simpler or less painful. The unique design of In-Ovation metal braces uses a free-sliding technology that places very little pressure on your teeth. Faster, more comfortable treatment is within your reach if you choose In-Ovation metal braces.

Dr. Fotovat treats patients from Sherman Oaks and the surround area with In-Ovation metal braces. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

Easing Your Concerns about Adult Orthodontics

Are you unhappy with your smile and have spent years thinking that you’d like to improve it through orthodontics? You may have hesitated due to concerns that it will be a bad experience as an adult. There are probably a number of reasons you’ve put off getting treatment, but you might wonder whether or not they are valid. There are many misconceptions about adult orthodontics; learn the truth so that you can decide if treatment is right for you.

Will I look silly wearing braces?
Your appearance is very important in both your personal and professional life. Many adults worry that wearing braces will negatively impact their looks and decrease their self-esteem. Due to the advancements in orthodontics, this is no longer true. One of the biggest breakthroughs is Invisalign, which is a system of wearing clear plastic aligners to shift teeth into better positions. It’s possible to correct your smile without any ugly metal wires and brackets; others may not even notice you are wearing the aligners!

Will it hurt?
Orthodontics today have improved so much that pain isn’t a big issue. This is especially true when Invisalign is the option chosen, because teeth are shifted gently using the aligners. Even traditional braces have become less painful over the years, as orthodontists offer numbing agents or anxiety medications for patients who require them. Typically, over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient to address any discomfort.

Will I have to wear braces for years and years?
Treatment times have decreased for most patients compared to years past. The average treatment time for Invisalign is often just a year or less!

Will orthodontics work at my age?
It is just a rumor that braces work better on young people than adults. Orthodontics after age 30 are just as effective as those on a teenager or child. The only difference is that adults may require slightly more time in traditional braces than younger patients, but the outcome is just as great.

Dr. Fotovat is an orthodontist that treats adults and kids from Sherman Oaks and the surround area.

Opting for Invisalign

One of the most recent innovations in modern orthodontics is Invisalign. These unique clear aligners are becoming increasingly popular for improving smiles without the stigma associated with traditional braces. Invisalign aligners straighten teeth by placing gentle pressure on them to move into better positions. This solution offers distinct advantages to some of the other options in orthodontics.

Hidden appearance
One of the most obvious benefits of Invisalign is that the clear plastic is practically invisible in your mouth. The subtle appearance of the retainers is much less obtrusive than traditional metal braces. For patients who want to diminish the fact that they are undergoing orthodontic treatment, Invisalign in the perfect solution. Personal and professional relationships are not at risk of embarrassment due to being self-conscious about your smile.

Easy removal
You will remove aligners from your mouth when eating or performing oral hygiene tasks. There are no impacts to your diet during Invisalign treatment, since you take out the aligners anytime you eat. Brushing and flossing are performed normally without having to worry about cleaning food debris out of intrusive wires and brackets. This can have positive impacts on your oral health as well.

Increased comfort
The lack of metal pieces in the aligners means a more comfortable experience. Traditional braces have a reputation for poking the mouth or breaking. Invisalign offers a clear advantage of being very comfortable when worn.

Boosted confidence
No matter if you are a teenager or an adult wearing braces, it can be embarrassing to have a mouth full of metal in your smile. The invisible quality of Invisalign eliminates those self-conscious feelings, giving you the confidence to smile, laugh and eat as usual even while undergoing treatment.

If these benefits of Invisalign sound appealing to you, schedule an appointment with a Sherman Oak orthodontist Dr. Fotovat who provides this type of treatment. It may be the winning route to your beautiful smile.