Most people aren’t born with the perfect smile. It often takes help from your dentist and orthodontist. For straighter teeth, your orthodontist will evaluate your mouth and make recommendations to correct problem areas, producing the desired results. Often, individuals seeking orthodontic treatment have gathered information from well-meaning friends and family, or a Google search on the Internet.

Here are some common misperceptions about orthodontics:

• Treatment time is set in stone.

When you get braces, your orthodontist will give you an approximate date for the end of treatment. Several factors, however, can influence that time frame, including how quickly your teeth move and whether you follow instructions properly. Usually, this date is a rough estimate, not a guarantee.

• Orthodontic treatment is painful.

Though you may experience some pressure and slight discomfort when you initially receive your braces, and after an adjustment, most people have few issues with pain during treatment.

• I can easily switch orthodontists .

Just like you wouldn’t change heart doctors in the middle of treatment, it’s best to stick with the same orthodontist. Each practitioner may have specific ways of doing things or certain types of wires they prefer, which makes changing practices difficult. As well, sorting out costs and payment can be tricky.

• After treatment, my teeth will stay perfectly straight.

While braces or other therapies will move your teeth into the right position, they have a natural tendency to shift back after treatment. Wearing a retainer as directed by your orthodontist will ensure that you keep your smile looking sensational.

• All overbites need correction.

Actually, many individuals have some degree of overbite. A small overbite actually stops you from wearing down the front teeth and doesn’t warrant treatment.

Consider our Orthodontic team in Sherman Oaks California – Dr. Fotovat – Burbank Orthodontist –