Your Options for Braces

Some people are born with stunning smiles, but others need to give nature a hand. To achieve a flawless image, you may need to consider orthodontic treatment. The most common recommendation is often braces. At one time, metal braces were the only option for improving smiles. Modern advances give patients other choices for updating their images. Patient preferences, severity of the problem, cost, and treatment length can all influence the decision about the type of orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth.

Traditional metal braces

Even though other options exist, metal braces remain a popular choice for patients. Metal braces work well and cost less money than options like clear aligners or ceramic brackets. At Mehdi Fotovat, DDS, we offer GAC in-ovation-braces self-ligating braces. These braces have smaller brackets than traditional metal braces, and require less trips to the orthodontist with faster results.

Clear Brackets

If you don’t want other people to notice your braces, clear brackets are a good option.
We offer in-ovation-braces C (clear) brackets, which are translucent and blend in with your teeth coloring so that they are less noticeable. Just as with metal brackets, ceramic braces will straighten teeth over the treatment course.

Clear aligners

For adult and older teen patients, clear aligners such as Invisalign offer an inconspicuous way to create gorgeous smiles. These systems utilize custom, clear aligners to gently shift teeth into the desired position. Usually, treatment time is 12 to 18 months.

Schedule a visit to our Sherman Oaks orthodontic practice and see how we can enhance your smile. Mehdi Fotovat

Why Seek Early Orthodontic Treatment?

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that children receive an evaluation around age seven. Not all children will need early treatment, but it’s important to have an orthodontist see how things are developing. Certain problems are easier to correct at an early age, so this initial assessment helps set your child on the right path. As well, your orthodontist can assess your child’s development and make sure everything continues on the right track.

Around age seven, your child’s first molars appear, which solidifies the back bite. At this time, the orthodontist can see how the various teeth are in relation to the others, looking for issues such as overbites, crowding, or crossbites. Without correction, orthodontic problems can result in uneven tooth wear, speech impediments, and greater risk of decay or gum disease.

For some children, it’s particularly important to schedule an early evaluation. If you notice the following problems, contact the office of Mehdi Fotovat for an appointment:

• Breathing through the mouth
• Clenching or grinding
• Crowding
• Difficulties with speech
• Extended use of a pacifier
• Spacing problems
• Thumbsucking beyond preschool

Bringing your child to the orthodontist for an early assessment means addressing these issues, or others like them, before they create additional problems. Early treatment can make room for permanent teeth that still need to erupt and also lessen the time needed in braces at a later point. Often, therapy is most successful when treatment is performed while the jaws and face are still growing.

Schedule a Visit to our Sherman Oaks orthodontic practice and see how we can enhance your smile. Mehdi Fotovat