Is Headgear Still Around?

If you hear the term headgear, it will likely conjure up images of an awkward contraption forced upon many an adolescent over the years in their quest for straight teeth. As much as patients might like to avoid it, headgear is a proven way to guide the growth of your jaw. It is definitely still used today by orthodontists for some patients to achieve their ideal smile.

Why is headgear needed?
Headgear is an appliance used to correct overbites by holding back the upper jaw’s growth, allowing the lower jaw to move into the correct position. It creates forces that guide the growth of your face and jaws, and also helps move your teeth into better position.

How much do I need to wear it?
Headgear is usually worn about 10 to 14 hours daily, and usage lasts anywhere from 6 to 18 months. The time required depends on how severe your overbite is and how much growth you have remaining. Each case is unique, so your orthodontist will identify how much wear is necessary. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions so that this portion of your treatment can move quickly and achieve optimum results.

Does headgear hurt?
Your teeth will be sore when chewing for several days when you begin wearing headgear, but will subside as long as you wear it consistently. Often the second and third days after beginning usage are the worst, and then soreness lessens. Taking ibuprofen and eating a soft diet will help. You’ll achieve the quickest relief if you continue to wear your headgear even though your teeth are sore.

How do I get the best results?

Your headgear only works if you wear it! Follow these guidelines:,/h2>

• Remove your headgear as directed so that you don’t injure yourself.
• Take off your headgear before playing sports or running.
• Don’t allow anyone to grab or pull on your headgear.
• Take your headgear with you to all orthodontist appointments.
• Follow proper techniques to care for and clean your headgear.

Oral Devices Can Treat Sleep Apnea

An estimated 18 million Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a serious sleep disorder that can lead to other health issues. With OSA, the soft tissues collapse in the throat, which restricts the airways and causes periods where breathing stops. These apnea episodes cause you to briefly awaken and resume your normal breathing. Some people experience this pattern more than 100 times a night.

What are the types of sleep apnea?
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type of sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea is less prevalent and occurs when the brain fails to signal the body to breathe.

How do I know if I have OSA?
For those who suffer from OSA, sleep apnea can create various unpleasant side effects. Irritability, daytime drowsiness, and headaches are common symptoms experienced by individuals with sleep apnea. Snoring often indicates the presence of sleep apnea, but not all snorers have OSA.

Should I be worried about sleep apnea?
Not only does sleep apnea disturb your ability to rest, but it can also create other issues. Without treatment, sleep apnea can contribute to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and depression.

How do you treat sleep apnea?
If you are worried about sleep apnea, your dentist or orthodontist can review your symptoms and may possibly suggest a sleep study to confirm the diagnosis. Use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is a typical treatment recommendation for sleep apnea; however, many individuals find this therapy uncomfortable or ineffective. Your dentist can fit you for a night guard, an oral appliance that will hold your jaw in the correct position and keep your airways open.

Dental Care Rick Van Tran DDS & Associates Manteca, California

More Adults Are Straightening Their Smiles

More Adults Are Straightening Their Smiles

It’s a common misconception that it’s harder for adults to undergo orthodontic treatment as children and teens do. Orthodontics can be successful at any age! We are proud to say that our practice, Mehdi Fotovat, DDS, offers many treatment options with the needs of adults in mind.

What treatment options are available to adults?

There are more aesthetically-pleasing yet effective choices available today than ever before. We offer state-of-the-art treatment options such as Invisalign, the virtually invisible straightening system, and Clear In-Ovation braces, brackets that use high translucency and rhodium-coated clip technology, making the braces appear less visible. We also specialize in traditional metal braces. Today, this style of bracket is also available in a“tooth colored” material.

What are the benefits of adult orthodontic treatment?

1. A confident smile: There is nothing like wanting to show off your smile. Misaligned teeth cause many adults to feel self conscious about their smile
2. Healthier gums: Food is more likely to get trapped and cause plaque buildup, which is harder to brush and appropriately floss, increasing the chances of gum disease. Further, crowded teeth can cause redness and swelling of the gums.
3. Stronger teeth: First, teeth are constantly put under pressure and crooked teeth can undergo more wear and tear than a straight bite. Second, a misaligned bite can mean uneven force on your jaw causing damage and/or pain. Last, trapped food in misaligned teeth can cause the tooth decay.
4. Overall Improvement of health: A misaligned bite can make it more difficult to fully chew food, causing gastrointestinal problems. In addition, inflammation of the gums has been linked to heart disease and diabetes.

At our practice we know that your time is valuable. Many adults think that they don’t have time in their busy life to undergo treatment. We respect that and will work with you to design a treatment plan that is quick, comfortable, and fits into your schedule.

Have you hesitated to take the first step towards achieving the straight smile that you’ve always dreamt of? The answer is clear. Scheduling a complimentary consultation is the first step towards a beautiful, healthy, attractive smile. Call us at: 818-980-5300 or request an appointment here.

We look forward to meeting you!

How to Choose an Orthodontist

Chances are you’ll be under and orthodontist’s care for a number of years, so you’ll want to choose the right doctor. Also, a very visible part of your body is being treated and you want the highest level of skills.

Follow these guidelines in your search for an orthodontist.

Orthodontics is a specialization within dentistry, which requires a degree in dentistry plus an extra 2-3 years in an accredited orthodontic program. Completing the residency program provides an orthodontic specialty certificate and often a master’s degree. Ask if the doctor you are considering is a specialist with the required training. You can verify this information by checking to see if the doctor is a member of the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO).

Many qualified orthodontists are certified through the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO), which orthodontists voluntarily join in order to have their skills and competency evaluated. This certification demonstrates the orthodontist’s dedication to excellence and continued proficiency in this specialization.

Your general dentist can be a great resource for referring you to a qualified orthodontist. Ask your dentist about a specialist in your area who has a good reputation.

Friends, neighbors and coworkers are all good sources for orthodontist recommendations. Take note of those you know with braces or whose children have braces, and ask them about their experience with that provider.

The internet, magazines and newspapers are good places to look for ratings of orthodontists. Find specialists in your area and scheduled consultation appointments to make sure it’s the right fit for you.

Invisalign Teen: Stress-Free Braces

Moody teenagers can be hard to please, and sometimes finding out that they need braces can send them reeling. If you have a teen who needs orthodontic treatment but is fighting the idea of having a mouth full of metal, consider the latest innovation called Invisalign.

This revolutionary treatment involves wearing customized clear plastic aligners over your teeth. About every two weeks, you’ll transition to a new set of aligners in a series designed to gently move teeth into better positions. Invisalign corrects a variety of problems like overcrowding, gaps, crooked teeth, and bite issues.

If you’ve already heard about Invisalign, it may have been associated with adults. Although many adults love this treatment method, teens can enjoy it just as much. Others hardly notice you’re undergoing treatment and your self-esteem is not negatively impacted. It’s easy to smile your way through the process and end up with a perfect smile when treatment is done.

What are some aspects about Invisalign that make it such a low-stress orthodontic alternative?

• Traditional braces are unsightly and bulky, but Invisalign aligners are lightweight and practically invisible. Nothing beats Invisalign for the most aesthetic approach to treatment.

• It’s easy to keep your teeth and gums clean since the retainers are removed for brushing and flossing. Normal dental hygiene tasks are possible with this treatment method.

• There are no diet restrictions since the aligners are removed while eating. Teens can enjoy their favorite foods without being hampered by rules.

• No worrying that food is stuck in the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces.

• Emergency visits to the orthodontist are eliminated since there’s no chance of breaking a bracket or having a wire stabbing you in the mouth. Invisalign even provides extra retainers if one is lost to ensure uninterrupted treatment.

• The pain associated with traditional braces is not a factor with Invisalign, which uses gentle movement to reach your smile goals.

• Treatment time is typically not as long with Invisalign compared to traditional methods, with the average patient reaching their end goal in less than 18 months.