Signs You Might Need Braces

Orthodontic treatment is a solution for a variety of dental issues. Your smile may not only look like it could benefit from wearing braces, but your oral health might also benefit as well. Often, a healthy mouth includes teeth that are aligned properly to allow for good cleaning and maintenance. It’s helpful to identify orthodontic problems early so that action may be taken at that time or planned for in the f

What are some signs that you might benefit from braces? Here are some common indicators to help you recognize when it’s time to make an orthodontist appointment for you or your child.

The most common reason that patients visit the orthodontist is for teeth that are too crowded. It indicates that there is not enough space in the mouth to fit all the teeth. Therefore, the teeth crowd into each other and become crooked. Crowded teeth can be difficult to clean and usually worsen over time. Tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath can all result. Orthodontic treatment straightens the teeth and helps avoid pain and oral health problems.

Another popular reason for orthodontic treatment is a problem with the bite. There are several types of abnormal bites that can usually be treated with braces:

  • Overbite – When the front upper teeth overlap the front lower teeth, it’s called an overbite. It can be very noticeable and embarrassing, and increases risks for trauma to the front teeth.
  • Underbite – An underbite occurs when the upper front teeth are aligned behind the lower front teeth. It is often an indicator of disproportionate jaw size, causing imbalanced facial appearance, difficulty eating, or accelerated facial aging.
  • Cross bite – An abnormal bite in which the upper tooth is behind the lower opposite tooth is called a cross bite. It may lead to excessive tooth wear or fracture, gum recession, or asymmetric jaw growth.
  • Open bite – When the bite doesn’t allow the front teeth to touch at all, it results in an open bite. Lisps and trouble biting or eating may result.

If you have any of these bite issues or teeth crowding, schedule a visit with an orthodontist to see if it’s time for treatment.

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Invisalign: The Characteristics

Crooked teeth or a misaligned bite can make even the most confident person self-conscious. No matter your age, Invisalign orthodontic treatment can repair your smile without the sometimes annoying and embarrassing characteristics of traditional braces. This revolutionary method provides a hassle-free orthodontic experience that gives you the same end results as you might achieve with other techniques.


Perhaps the most well-known characteristic of Invisalign is the fact that they are nearly invisible. The clear plastic aligners are transparent when worn over your teeth, so that others likely won’t even realize you’re wearing them. Your teeth may appear shiny or glossy, but that just provides a polished look without giving away the secret that you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.


The removeable aligners give you the freedom to take them in and out as you please. They should always be removed while eating and cleaning, but can also be taken out as desired. However, it’s important to remember that the trays should be worn at least 20 hours a day for ideal results.


Invisalign is probably the most comfortable orthodontic solution available. The trays are customized so that they fit comfortably, and movement is gradual so that you don’t experience significant discomfort like is common with traditional orthodontic adjustments.


The trays should be removed for regular cleaning, which is simple using a regular toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. When the trays are out of your mouth, normal dental hygiene tasks of brushing and flossing your teeth are advised. It’s easy to maintain good oral health without having to work around cumbersome appliances.


The process for Invisalign involves creating customized trays to fit your mouth structure perfectly. The aligners are replaced with new sets at regular intervals, usually about every two weeks, as your progress continues. Your progress can be monitored using special computer software so you can actually see your smile improve and the expected end results.

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Early Orthodontic Treatment for Kids

Many parents wonder when the right time is to start taking their children to see an orthodontist. As orthodontics has advanced through the years, oral health professionals have learned that it’s beneficial to address problems early when possible. Most specialists recommend taking children to the orthodontist around age seven, since the mouth has usually developed enough and permanent teeth are starting to come in.

Orthodontists are trained to identify issues at an early age and recognize which problems can be corrected before causing worse trouble later. Some conditions are simply easier to repair if they’re addressed early. This gives the orthodontist more control over where the permanent teeth erupt, especially when jaw structure is affected.

Some of the benefits of early intervention for orthodontics include:

  • Correcting bite problems
  • Guiding jaw growth to accommodate future teeth
  • Predicting permanent teeth development
  • Reducing the risks of damage to protruding teeth
  • Correcting harmful habits like thumb sucking or tongue pushing
  • Improving appearance
  • Boosting self-esteem
  • Lowering the risk for future invasive orthodontic treatment

A common trend in modern orthodontics is a two-phased approach. The first phase begins when the child still has mostly baby teeth, and treats issues like widening the palate or altering the bite. This is in preparation for the second phase when your child is older and more permanent teeth have erupted. The exact timing is determined by the child’s dental needs and growth patterns.

A consultation around age seven gives you and your child the opportunity to establish a relationship with an orthodontist, and obtain the peace of mind that you’re headed the right direction with your child’s treatment plan. This is just one way to ensure your child’s healthy, beautiful smile for life.

If you need a orthodontist in Burbank, contact us today

Getting Your Questions about Invisalign Answered

The best way to determine if an orthodontic treatment plan is right for you is to visit a qualified professional for a consultation. However, it’s also smart to go into the office with some knowledge about the options and questions that you might have. Being well-informed puts you on the road to a successful experience. If you’re wondering about Invisalign treatment, here are some common questions and answers about this method.

How does Invisalign work?

Unique 3D computer technology is used to create a treatment plan from the initial teeth position to the final desired position. Clear plastic aligners are developed based on the imaging in sets to be worn from the start of treatment and changed every couple of weeks to new sets as treatment progresses. This process gradually moves the teeth into better positions.

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign?

Most adults and teens are eligible for treatment, with the exception of those who still have too many baby teeth or are awaiting the eruption of second molars. Invisalign addresses most orthodontic issues, although a professional consultation is the best way to find out if it’s right for you.

What type of doctor should I see?

Special training is required to become an authorized Invisalign provider, as well as ongoing training classes to maintain the designation of “Preferred Provider.” This status may be achieved by a dentist or an orthodontist, so just look for a provider with the required Invisalign training.

Does Invisalign hurt?

The pain associated with traditional orthodontics does not occur with Invisalign, mainly because there are no wires involved. You may experience slight discomfort as you adjust to each new set of aligners, but it dissipates quickly and is not severe.

How will Invisalign affect my everyday life?

Since the aligners are removeable for eating and cleaning, you can stick to your regular diet and oral hygiene. Fewer appointments are required than with traditional braces, so you won’t even be giving up your time to sit in the dental chair. Your daily life will hardly be affected during Invisalign treatment.

If you live in the Burbank, contact us today