Don’t Fall Victim to Bad Breath

One thing that can make you a pretty unpopular person is bad breath. People will avoid being around you if you emit a stinky odor every time you open your mouth. If you don’t want to fall victim to this embarrassing problem, try the following tactics.

Brush and floss
For many reasons, you should carefully brush your teeth at least twice a day. This includes brushing your tongue and gums, where bacteria tend to build up and lead to mouth odor. Flossing should be performed daily to help get rid of food debris and plaque.

Drink water
Having a dry mouth increases bad breath, so staying hydrated is an important way to avoid odor. It is recommended to drink thirteen cups of water each day, which may be difficult to accomplish but it is a good goal to keep in mind. You can also prevent dry mouth by limiting foods and drinks known to cause dehydration, like coffee, energy drinks, and anything high in sugar or caffeine.

Chew parsley
A natural remedy for decreasing odor, chewing parsley can be helpful for stinky breath. It contains chlorophyll, which is known to fight smells and freshen breath.

Brush with oils
Peppermint oil and tea tree oil are both known to decrease halitosis, or bad breath. Placing just a couple of drops of these oils on your toothbrush can help attack the bacteria in your mouth and therefore fight mouth odor.

Valley Village Orthodontist

Healthy Tips for Teens

Teenagers are known for being busy and distracted, rushing from one thing to another. They often neglect things that they don’t realize are important parts of keeping healthy. One of the aspects of their lives that teens don’t make time for is properly taking care of their teeth. Here are some ways to help keep your teen’s mouth in good shape.

Brushing and flossing
The best way for your teen to avoid cavities is to brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, and floss once a day. Even though teenagers find it tempting to skip these dental hygiene steps, the payoff of having a mouth full of healthy and sparkling teeth will be worth it.

Nutritious diet
Cutting down on sugary foods and drinks is another way to protect teeth. Teens often grab quick snacks on the run, and are inclined to reach for items that don’t have much nutritional value. Try to keep a supply of foods that appeal to your teen without endangering their oral health.

Dental sealants are a plastic coating that a dentist applies to teeth to create a barrier that protects teeth from developing cavities. They are usually applied to chewing surfaces of back teeth and to grooves in teeth. It’s a quick and easy process that can provide additional protection against tooth decay.

Mouth guards
Teens who are involved in sports or activities like skateboarding should wear a mouth guard to protect their teeth against injury. They are the best way to avoid broken or knocked out teeth, and also to protect the mouth and face from harm. Your dentist can recommend the best type of mouth guard for your teenager.

Consider Early Orthodontic Treatment

According to the American Association of Orthodontics, children should have an initial evaluation with an orthodontist by age seven. Seeing an orthodontist at an early age helps identify and correct problems before they create more issues in your mouth. If you aren’t sure whether or not to schedule an appointment for your child, think about these points:

It is easier to treat certain problems as early as possible. Most people want their kids to avoid surgery or extraction of permanent teeth. An orthodontist can look at the way your child’s teeth are developing and suggest treatment to address crowding, such as expanders or early removal of baby teeth.

Early orthodontic treatment can help stop harmful habits. Thumb-sucking, tongue-thrusting, and use of a pacifier beyond age three can cause future orthodontic issues. If your child has one of these attachments, an orthodontist can work with you to curb the habit before it does lasting damage to your child’s teeth.

You can prevent trauma to front teeth with early orthodontic treatment. Did you know that children with protruding front teeth, also called buck teeth, have an increased chance of fracturing those teeth? As well, buck teeth can create issues with chewing ability and speech. Early orthodontic treatment can boost your child’s self-esteem and improve functionality.

Your orthodontist can keep an eye on your child’s dental development. Just because you see an orthodontist for an evaluation doesn’t mean treatment is always necessary. Having an early assessment allows the orthodontist to watch your child’s progress in case any issues arise.

Isn’t it time you had the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted? Schedule a visit with our orthodontic dental team in Sherman Oaks, CA – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS.