Consider Early Orthodontic Treatment

According to the American Association of Orthodontics, children should have an initial evaluation with an orthodontist by age seven. Seeing an orthodontist at an early age helps identify and correct problems before they create more issues in your mouth. If you aren’t sure whether or not to schedule an appointment for your child, think about these points:

It is easier to treat certain problems as early as possible. Most people want their kids to avoid surgery or extraction of permanent teeth. An orthodontist can look at the way your child’s teeth are developing and suggest treatment to address crowding, such as expanders or early removal of baby teeth.

Early orthodontic treatment can help stop harmful habits. Thumb-sucking, tongue-thrusting, and use of a pacifier beyond age three can cause future orthodontic issues. If your child has one of these attachments, an orthodontist can work with you to curb the habit before it does lasting damage to your child’s teeth.

You can prevent trauma to front teeth with early orthodontic treatment. Did you know that children with protruding front teeth, also called buck teeth, have an increased chance of fracturing those teeth? As well, buck teeth can create issues with chewing ability and speech. Early orthodontic treatment can boost your child’s self-esteem and improve functionality.

Your orthodontist can keep an eye on your child’s dental development. Just because you see an orthodontist for an evaluation doesn’t mean treatment is always necessary. Having an early assessment allows the orthodontist to watch your child’s progress in case any issues arise.

Isn’t it time you had the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted? Schedule a visit with our orthodontic dental team in Sherman Oaks, CA – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS.

Choosing the Right Orthodontist

Whether your child has a gap between his front teeth or you’ve finally decided to get rid of your crooked smile, the first step toward getting the results you want is selecting the perfect orthodontist. You need to find an orthodontist who meets your needs and with whom you can develop a rapport as well.

When looking at potential candidates, keep these things in mind:

Experience – As you weed through the myriads of orthodontists in your area, evaluate the training skills of anyone you put on your short list. For example, look for someone certified in Invisalign or who offers In-Ovation C braces, if clear braces are the option you most want to pursue.

Personality – Orthodontic treatment lasts, on average, from six to 18 months. If you are going to invest that much time, and a great deal of money, you want to find someone who gels well with you or your child, depending on who is the patient.

References – A great place to find an orthodontist is by asking family or friends who they recommend. Before making a decision, you can also ask for the names of one or two satisfied patients. Meeting people who had a positive experience with the orthodontist you have selected can help solidify your decision.

Environment – Another factor to consider is the atmosphere. Does the practice offering leading edge technology? Did you feel comfortable with the staff? Was the office clean and well kept?

Location – Don’t knock the importance of convenience in making your choice. If you have to schedule visits on your lunch hour or shuttle your child back and forth from school, picking an orthodontist close to these spots will save you time and frustration.

Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year from our orthodontic dental team in Sherman Oaks, CA – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS

Why Not Consider Adult Orthodontics?

At one time, braces were primarily seen as a treatment option for kids and teenagers. Modern advances and the desire for an attractive smile have changed that idea. Now, many adults are seeking orthodontic care. In fact, estimates suggest that over 1 million Americans 18 years and older are wearing braces.

One reason for this shift is the benefits that come from having a perfect smile. Most adults want to project a confident, positive image to the people they meet. A stunning smile helps convey this message. Your oral health also improves when you have straight teeth. Crooked teeth are harder to clean, which can lead to a greater risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

As orthodontics has evolved, the choices for adults who want to correct their teeth have improved. The embarrassment and discomfort of traditional metal orthodontia probably deterred many adults from considering treatment. Luckily, options like clear brackets, lingual braces, and Invisalign clear braces make it possible for image-conscious adults to achieve the smiles of their dreams.

Barely noticeable, clear or ceramic braces work like their metal counterparts in that they are bonded to the teeth for the duration of treatment, but most people won’t notice you are wearing them. With lingual braces, the brackets actually attach to the back of your teeth. The Invisalign system uses a series of custom, removable aligners to shift teeth into the proper position. During a consultation appointment, your orthodontist can explain your choices, answer any questions, and make recommendations for your specific situation.

Happy Holidays from our orthodontic dental practice in Sherman Oaks, CA – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS

Q and A about Braces

When you or your children need orthodontic treatment, you may wonder what that entails. Before treatment begins, your orthodontist will review the plans and explain everything in detail. These questions and answers are designed to provide you with some of the information you may need.

Q: If my six-year-old has permanent teeth that are coming in crooked, do I need to see an orthodontist already?

A: As your child grows older and gets more teeth, crowding and spacing issues will only get worse. Having an examination as early as possible allows the orthodontist to prevent further problems.

Q: Will braces impact my child’s ability to play sports?

A: Whether your child has braces or not, most dentists and orthodontists suggest a mouth guard to protect the face and mouth. The doctor can fit your child for a mouth guard designed to work with the braces.

Q: My husband has taken a new job and we have to move in the middle of my child’s treatment. What should we do?

A: Before you leave, schedule a final appointment to review your child’s progress and discuss any concerns you have. Ask for referrals if your orthodontist knows the area to which you are relocating. Once you get settled, make an appointment to meet the new orthodontist and resume treatment.

Q: I’m over 50. Am I too old for braces?

A: You never outgrow the benefits of a straight, vibrant smile. In fact, straight teeth are easier to keep clean, which minimizes the risks of tooth decay and gum disease. As well, having a picture-perfect set of pearly whites can boost your confidence and contribute to overall success. Many orthodontists treat patients in their 80s, so schedule a consultation appointment with your doctor.

Q: Will my child need to have teeth pulled before getting braces?

A: In the past, doctors recommended removal of permanent teeth as standard protocol with orthodontic treatment. Now, most patients do not have teeth removed to achieve a gorgeous smile.

We care about your smile at our Sherman Oaks, CA orthodontic office – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS.

Other Types of Orthodontic Devices

Everyone has heard of braces and retainers. Usually, braces consist of bands, wires, and brackets. A retainer will keep your teeth from shifting back into their natural position. These orthodontic devices are used to straighten teeth and maintain the results after treatment.

Sometimes, the orthodontist will need to use additional devices to complete your treatment. Although not as common as braces, these appliances can be an important component to achieving a straighter smile. After a thorough evaluation, your orthodontist may recommend one of these devices in conjunction with braces:

Fixed Space Maintainers – When a patient loses a baby tooth prematurely, the doctor may place a fixed space maintainer to keep the spot open until the permanent tooth erupts.

Palatal Expander – Positioned over the roof of the mouth, a palatal expander widens the arch of the upper jaw. The palatal expander uses screws to apply outward pressure and stretch the corresponding bones and joints.

Lip and Cheek Bumpers – Your lips and cheek muscles can actually exert pressure on your teeth. These appliances keep the lips and cheeks away from your teeth.

Headgear – Designed to slow the growth of the upper jaw, headgear will hold the back teeth in position while the front teeth are pulled back. Headagear is held in place with a strap across the back of the head and a wire that fits across the front.

Spacers – Rubber bands placed between teeth, orthodontic spacers are used to create enough room so that the doctor can place brackets and metal bands on the back teeth.

Visit our orthodontic dental practice in Sherman Oaks, California – Mehdi Fotovat, DDS.