Oral Care with Braces

If you wear braces, you already know that keeping them clean can be tricky. The brackets, wires, rubber bands, and other appliances accumulate food debris and plaque buildup. If not cleaned properly, your teeth may become stained and begin to decay. That’s why it’s so important to focus on good oral care while wearing braces. Here are some tips about how to maintain a sparkling clean mouth at the same time you are straightening your smile.

Strive to brush your teeth after every meal or snack. It’s sometimes not possible, but make this your goal. Use fluoride toothpaste and spend enough time to get your braces clean. Try these techniques:

  • Use a soft toothbrush to brush down from the top and then up from the bottom on every tooth.
  • Then switch to a proxabrush, which is designed for cleaning between braces. It is shaped like a tiny Christmas tree. Insert the brush down from the top of the braces between each tooth, and then up from the bottom as well. Do this several times in each direction before going to the next space between your braces.
  • Floss by feeding one end of the floss through the space between the arch wire and the top of the tooth near your gum. Gently floss on each side of the teeth, but don’t use too much force around the wires. Also, ask your orthodontist about floss threaders to help you insert the floss into your braces.
  • Consider using a fluoride mouthwash to access areas your toothbrush misses.
  • Don’t forget to clean your retainer if you have one. Brush it at the same time you brush your teeth, and disinfect it once a week by soaking it in a denture cleanser.

While wearing braces, be sure to follow your orthodontist’s instructions about safe foods to eat. Some foods should be avoided such as chewy foods like caramel, corn on the cob, foods hard to bite into like bagels, and hard items like popcorn and nuts. Also, do not chew bubble gum or ice. Foods like these can break or loosen your braces.

Dr. Fotovat is an Orthodontist in Sherman Oaks CA offering braces.

Treatment for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Do you wake up feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep? If so, you are not alone. Approximately 12 to 20 million Americans suffer from some degree of sleep apnea, a serious health condition that impacts your overall well being. Snoring is often a symptom of this problem, but many people don’t take that sign seriously enough.

What is sleep apnea?
Characterized by frequent lapses in breathing throughout the night that last for 10-20 seconds each time, sleep apnea occurs in two forms, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused by airway blockage. With OSA, the soft tissues in your throat relax too much and collapse, which cuts off your air supply. Central sleep apnea happens when the brain forgets to send the right signals to the muscles that control breathing.

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?
Signs of OSA may include loud snoring, headaches, confusion, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and decreased energy.
Can sleep apnea impact my daily life?
Not only will you feel exhausted, but sleep apnea can affect your ability to function. Often, people with sleep apnea experience daytime grogginess, irritability, and memory issues. As well, sleep apnea can increase your risk for certain medical conditions such as weight gain, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and heart-related problems like hypertension.
What treatment is available?
After you undergo a thorough evaluation to confirm sleep apnea, your doctor can recommend therapy to address the problem. The most common treatment is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, which regulates breathing while you sleep. Many individuals don’t respond well to CPAP machines, finding them bulky or uncomfortable. As an alternative, your orthodontist can fit you for a night guard, an oral appliance that keeps your airways open during sleep.

Examining the Types of Braces

If you need braces to straighten your teeth or adjust your jaw alignment, there are several types of braces that you can select for orthodontic treatment. Talk with your orthodontist about which kind is right for you, but here is a general description of the types available and the differences between them.

Made from quality stainless steel, metal braces have traditionally been the most common option for braces. They have a proven track record of successful orthodontic treatment, but some people aren’t thrilled about the noticeable appearance of metal in their smiles. Small brackets are bonded onto the fronts of the teeth and joined together with a wire, and sometimes colorful elastics may be worn.

Made of clear ceramic, these braces are especially popular among older youth and adults because they are less visible. The braces blend with tooth enamel. However, ceramic braces are more likely to break. Manufacturers are making the brackets thicker in an effort to decrease the chances of breaking during wear.


Similar to metal braces, these are also made of stainless steel but are covered in gold. Some patients find the look of gold to be more appealing than silver. Surprisingly, the cost of gold-plated braces is comparable to most clear braces.

The biggest benefit of Invisalign braces is that they are practically invisible. Clear plastic aligners are worn to gradually move teeth into better position, and they are removable so oral hygiene techniques remain the same as without braces.
Fitted onto the back of the teeth so that they are completely hidden from view, incognito braces offer another option for patients not wanting their braces to be noticed. These braces are trickier to adjust and clean, can affect speech, and are often more expensive than other braces.
Braces orthodontist in Sherman Oaks CA

An Overview of Orthodontics

In most cases, you have probably either had braces, need braces, or know someone with braces. When you need orthodontic treatment, you often receive a great deal of information. Having a basic knowledge about the world of orthodontics will help you make educated decisions for yourself or a loved one.

What is orthodontics?
Simply put, orthodontics is the dental specialty focused on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental or facial irregularities.

How is an orthodontist different from a dentist?
While all orthodontists are dentists, not all dentists are orthodontists. In addition to successfully completing dental school, orthodontists must also take another two to three years of advanced training.

Can I tell if braces are needed?
The best way to determine if you or a family member should seek orthodontic treatment is through an evaluation with an orthodontist. If you notice buck teeth, an overbite, under bite, or open bite, orthodontic treatment is a likely course of action.

What’s the difference between Phase I and Phase II?

With Phase I, or early interceptive treatment, patients are between 6 and 10 years old, and all their permanent teeth have not yet erupted. Certain problems are easier to treat when children are younger and they are still growing. Also called comprehensive treatment, Phase II happens once all permanent teeth come in and usually involves a full set of braces.

What are my treatment options?

That answer depends on your age and your specific case. Typically, younger children respond well to traditional metal braces. Older teens and adult patients often like less conspicuous choices. Ceramic brackets, clear aligners like Invisalign, and lingual braces can straighten your smile and allow you to maintain a professional image.

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Cavity Prevention While Wearing Braces

Wearing braces on your teeth can be a hassle, so you certainly want to have both a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth at the end of your treatment. That means you must be diligent about taking care of your teeth while wearing braces, so that you don’t develop cavities in the process. If you are a braces patient, you should know the hazards that increase your risk for cavities, as well as how to avoid getting them.

Cavities result when plaque accumulates on your teeth and gums. Acid from the plaque develops holes in your teeth, and these cavities start out small but can grow into big problems. Small cavities may go unnoticed, but as they progress it can cause pain and tooth sensitivity.

Higher risk
Braces do not cause cavities, but patients wearing braces are at higher risk for developing them. This is due to the increased amount of food that gets caught in your teeth and wires. When bacteria attacks the food debris, it causes plaque buildup and higher chances of cavity formation as well as gum disease.

Cavity free
Before beginning orthodontic treatment, see your dentist for a full examination of your mouth to make sure no cavities are present. If so, the cavities need to be treated prior to any orthodontic work. Once you are cavity-free, braces may be placed on your teeth.

Avoiding cavities
Here are some tips to avoid cavities while you wear braces:
•    Brush after each meal and snacks.
•    Floss every day, even though it can be tricky around wires. Use flossers or other tools your orthodontist suggests to help make flossing easier.
•    Use a mouthwash to combat bacteria left in your mouth.
•    Some patients like using oral irrigators like waterpik to cleanse their mouth and wash away food particles.
•    Limit the amount of sugar you eat and drink because it increases your risks for tooth decay.