Not everyone is blessed with perfect teeth, so that’s why you see many people wearing braces to correct their smiles. But did you know there are lots more people who wear braces then you realize? New technologies provide orthodontic treatment that you can’t even see without close examination, and the results are just as good as wearing traditional braces.

Why should I get braces?
The most obvious answer to this question is to correct crooked teeth. Braces are more than teeth straightening though. Jaw misalignment is another main reason for braces. There are also side effects of misplaced or overlapping teeth, such as speech difficulties, facial changes, malocclusion, difficulty eating, and tooth decay because you can’t adequately clean all areas of your teeth. A bad bite may cause your teeth to chip or break, and result in pain and headaches associated with temporomandibular joint disorder. Good orthodontic treatment can treat all of these issues.

Are there different kinds?
The traditional metal kind of braces has been around the longest. These involve metal wires pushing your teeth, along with brackets that attach to each tooth. Sometimes rubber bands and other appliances are needed as well. A newer type of braces is the invisible ones that are made of clear plastic. These removable aligner trays move your teeth without having the same aesthetic impacts on your smile during treatment.

What are the benefits of invisible braces?
The near invisibility of clear braces is the reason many patients choose them. Here are some additional reasons that they are popular:

  • Comfortable and lightweight with no wires that might poke you
  • Convenient to take in and out
  • Allows normal brushing and flossing
  • No diet restrictions

Visit an orthodontist for Invisalign – Dr. Fotovat is premier preferred provider of Invisalign to patient from Burbank and the surrounding area.