More and more adults today are getting braces on their teeth. It may be their first time for orthodontic treatment, or it may be another go-round after their mouth changed after having braces during their youth. No matter the situation, so many adults wear braces these days that it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Adult braces can be a life-changing choice for many people.

Why should adults consider braces?
Some orthodontists report that almost half of their patients are adults. The truth is that at any age, people long for beautiful smiles. Having crooked teeth or misaligned bites can be a detriment in the business world, and certainly people believe there are social advantages to a nice smile as well.

Are there advantages to getting braces as an adult?
Although orthodontics improves the smiles for many children, there are some additional benefits that adults have. Adults tend to be more aware of the effects of foods on their teeth and braces, so they follow their orthodontist’s advice more carefully about diet restrictions. Also, people who are paying for their own treatment instead of relying on their parents usually want the most of their money and are careful with their braces and related guidelines.

Will treatment last longer in adults?
Wearing braces is really only as successful as the follow-through. It is vital to wear your retainer as instructed so that your teeth don’t change. Also, keeping a permanent retainer on for the rest of your life is a great way to make sure your teeth don’t move. As always, proper dental care including regular brushing, flossing, and checkups is the ideal way to maintain your beautiful new smile.

Orthodontist Dr. Fotovat treats adults, teens, and children from Sherman Oaks, CA and the surrounding areas.