Finding the Bright Side of Wearing Braces

One of the best ways to achieve a perfect smile is by wearing braces, but it doesn’t come without a few hassles. Once you see your issues like overcrowded teeth, gaps, bite misalignment, and more are gone, the end result is worth it. In the meantime, look for the bright side of wearing braces! Follow these guidelines for making your time in braces as successful as possible.

Don’t stress out about the initial part of the process when the orthodontist makes molds of your teeth. Some patients hate this part and worry about gagging. Most people have the same reaction, so don’t feel self-conscious about it. Avoid eating right before your appointment so that food will be less likely to come up. Brush your teeth well before and after the appointment.

Your orthodontist will provide a list of foods that you shouldn’t eat while you’re in braces. Remember that you won’t be without your popcorn or favorite candy forever; it’ll be worth the wait when you get to eat those treats again using your perfectly straight teeth! Look at the restrictions as a chance to try different foods and maybe even eat a little healthier.

Speaking of foods, indulge in your favorite cold treats after your appointments to get your braces adjusted or tightened. Sure, it’s uncomfortable, but having a yummy milkshake or ice cream cone will help ease the pain. Braces provide a great excuse for a trip to the ice cream shop.

If fashion is your thing, have fun with the elastics that go with your braces if your treatment involves them. Orthodontists offer a variety of color choices, so express your style when selecting your elastics. Every month can be a new adventure for your smile.

It may be a bummer to wear braces for a couple of years, but you can improve the experience by making the most of it. Keep your mind focused on how happy you’ll be in the end.

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